An F-35A from Eglin Air Force Base, top, flies with an F-22 from Tyndall Air Force Base over Brooks Bridge in Fort Walton Beach on Wednesday. MASTER SGT. JEREMY LOCK / Special to the Daily News
USAF's Dream Of All-Stealth Fighter Force--Now Even More Dead -- Eric Palmer Blog
Another damning indictment has appeared showing the United States Air Force (USAF) dream wanting an all-stealth fighter force is even more dead. The November-December 2012 issue of Air & Space Power Journal has an article, (The F-22 Acquisition Program,Consequences for the US Air Force’s Fighter Fleet) by a former USAF test pilot and F-22 squadron commander, Lt. Col. Christopher J. Niemi (PDF below).
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Previous Post: A Surprising F-22 Critic
My Comment: It's hard to disagree with Eric Palmer on this one. If the Air force is your thing, this is a must read post.