A breakdown shows exactly how the robot has been built to fight fires
Scientists Build The Real C-3PO To Fight Fires On Board Warships -- Daily Mail
A robot with the ability to fight fires on board warships has been developed by military scientists based on the popular Star Wars character C-3PO.
It might sound like something out of another galaxy, but the life-saving robot will be tested next year on U.S navy boats.
ASH, the Autonomous Shipboard Humanoid, will have the capacity to operate in smoke-filled areas, climb ladders, pass though narrow corridors and even react to human gestures in order to put out lethal blazes.
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My Comment: I suspect that this application will be one of many that such robots will be asked to perform. For example .... looking into the far future .... it is easy to visualize such systems being used in combat platforms, bring programed to fire when ordered to and/or programed to eliminate specific threats.