WarOnGuns guest editorial by Russ Howard
Bye bye Tea Party.
Welcome back RINOs. "Con" will forever be the key syllable in conservative. Bizarro USA will be like the "post-war British consensus" in which "wet conservative" collaborators rolled for everything. The extent of Republican "conservatism" will be to tinker and "fix" the welfare state around the edges, reign in just enough of the excesses and idiocies to help ratchet it down for keeps.
Yeah, that's just what we need. More Panic Hispandering, more "prags" to accelerate the race-based voting, appeasement, amnesty, and 3rd-world invasion that tilted the playing field to a high pitch over the last 30 years. Third-world immigrants, especially the extended families of illegal aliens, are NOT going to vote majority Republican. They'll be glad to accept your foolish appeasement, but the vast majority will continue to vote D to lock down the goodies, invasion, coup d'etat and "reconquista" which the idiot Republican "U.S." Chamber of Commerce waterboy collaborators facilitated and did nothing to stop. They'll vote 2-1 Democrat (before counting multiple pseudonymous voting), but many Republicans are so stupid they think we can make up for the per-unit loss by increasing volume.
This presidential election and countless smaller ones, were stolen.O was gonna go -- unless there was massive vote fraud. Which there was, thanks to wishful Republican thinking. In California and too many other states fraudsters can show up to vote without ID and the "authorities" simply take their word for it. 20 years ago when California was already demographically lost on a time delay fuse thanks to Reagan's amnesty (and Republicans were deluding themselves that they could take it back with the old tired loser strategies), the Institute for Fair Elections filmed a couple going from poll to poll doing this. Republican prosecutors and a Republican Secretary of State hushed it up and did nothing.
But it's really easier than that, since you don't even have to leave home to steal votes, thanks to ... tah dah ... Republicans. In California it was a Republican L.A. County Supervisor who championed the suicidal system of mail-in registration and "absentee" balloting that enabled Democrats and illegals to vote as many times as they want with impunity. Pseudonymous multiple voting fraud is extensive because there are no real safeguards and because it is rarely investigated or prosecuted even in the most egregious cases. The defunct IFFE and other groups documented it extensively and were ignored.
But it's even easier than that, since Rs bent over for black box electronic voting and vote "counting", so now Ds and "Rs" don't even have to go to the trouble of registering & voting multiple times. Just "count" the vote. No paper trail. "Quis custodiet custodes?" isn't even the question anymore. Paper ballots and old school counts weren't perfect, but they were the least of evils.
Must-see HBO special: "Hacking Democracy" (over an hour, so I humbly recommend the reader finish reading this and then watch it).
www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=rVTXbARGXso&NR=1[Disclaimer: I do try to distinguish between Republicans and "Republicans", but it's gets too cumbersome sometimes, and of course there's overlap, so the reader will sometimes just have to try to figure out which one I'm referring to. By "Republicans" I mean RINOs and corrupt politicians with Rs after their name. No corrupt pol is a Republican in an honest, accurate sense of the word. Pretty clear that much of the corrupt "Republican" establishment is in on the fraud, which would explain better than idiocy and denial why "Republican" leaders refuse to talk about it. That Ds are in on it would explain why Kerry didn't contest in 2004. How do you cry black box fraud when your side's doing it too and the other side just did more of it? So elections are being stolen by corrupt forces of both parties, though Ds on balance benefited more in 2012, and on balance over time it will move the country in a corrupt, banana-republic, statist, big-government direction - whoever wins, D or "R".]
Also see:
"What Luck! Obama Won Dozens of Cleveland Districts with 100% of the Vote"
"Subject: Programmer under oath admits computers rig elections"
But Republicans continue in self-delusion and dismissal mode. They don't want to know, let alone do anything, as they have for the last 30 years. They want to keep being "good sportsmen" -- in other words the best, most gracious LOSERS in the world. Double down on the same loser tactics, on the failure to organize and act, and on the betrayals and appeasement that got us here in the first place.
Besides the swing states it was thought Romney would take, and the crude election tampering and intimidation shenanigans in banana republic locales like Philadelphia, one fraud indicator that stinks is Col Allen West's Florida congressional seat, apparently lost to a 20-something ex-RINO. West was polling between one and nine points ahead, but now with 110% of the votes "counted", he's down almost 1%.
We've had elections stolen for many years, more and more frequently. Each stolen election is a bloodless coup d'etat, but Republicans pretend it's not happening, or shrug it off as if it were little kids playing a prank and not an act of war against the Republic by domestic enemies. They would rather pretend Al Qaeda is the big threat or some other foreign enemy. Much more sexy.
Now, with black box systems and no ID required, we're more vulnerable to fraud than many 3rd-world countries, worse really because so many Rs are indoctrinated with the fairy tale that the USA can never be destroyed, that it will always bounce back no matter how bad the fraud, demographics and incentives are weighted against us, that it can't happen here. Anyone for pattycake?
A good indication Republicans will continue to live in denial of this was Rush Limbaugh on the morning after, doing the profoundly obvious mantra that The Problem is that not enough Republicans can deliver The Message well enough. "We just have to be better at delivering The Message." Well we better get really, incredibly better if we expect to explain it to a Tsunami of illiterate "cheap labor", government school graduates, and the "53%" -- and overcome black-box vote rigging on top of it all. It's unrealistic to think our side will get that good. Like the "good sportsmen" they are, Republicans are the best losers in the world. They have to be. They accepted the challenge of so many handicaps, let the field get so tilted that we can't just get better if we want to take it back, we have to get perfect. There's no longer any slack to cover mistakes.
Unfortunately, it wasn't a game. It was a war for our culture and our Republic. The notion that we could afford to bend over for multiple handicaps and we just have to get better at explaining our philosophy is what Republicans have pushed for 30 years, even while they helped derail "radical" tuition voucher initiatives that would've bankrupted the Government-Union/Democrat machine by now -- just by being on the ballot every couple years, let alone passing. And how much better would things be now if every parent had been able to afford to send kids to competitive schools that are not centers of indoctrination, illiteracy and perversion?
Perhaps our side could've won with a bit more registration and GOTV, but next time we would have to do ten times as much of it, and all of us become the perfect superactivist organizers, and that's hardly likely. No party can do things perfectly. That's why we couldn't afford to accept permanent long-game handicaps; we needed slack to absorb inevitable mistakes. By long game, I mean in the much vaunted Chinese sense. You have to accept imperfection, not systematic betrayals and treason. Republicans pissed away our slack through betrayals, dereliction and fairy tale wishful thinking.
But hey, at least Republicans saved Iraq and Afghanistan by preemptive quagmire while they were losing the USA. At least everyone on FoxNews got to play anti-terror strategist and say GITMO instead of Guantanamo Bay (while our own borders were wide open during a "war on terror" and Jihadis were sauntering in and breeding anchor Jihadis). How glamorous. Was it worth it? Really worth it? Maybe we can move to Iraq and Afghanistan and they will give us sanctuary cities and drivers licenses and resident tuition. They're obviously ever so grateful and honorable. No doubt they'll return the favor.
Four centuries after Lepanto, and for at least the last 200 years, the only real threat of Islam to what used to be the west has been immigration, not military attack. Idiots. Like Communism, Islam is not competent to threaten our existence -- that is unless the West decides to lose or just doesn't care anymore. The actual threat that is and has been actually destroying the USA, is internal -- domestic enemies -- and imported courtesy of those domestic enemies. Who's taking your rights away and pissing your country away? Al Qaeda, or the Ds and "R"s? What's your actual chance of being hurt by Al Qaeda? Right around zero percent. What's your chance of the Democrats and RINOs taking your rights away, your country, your quality of life, your liberty, and the legitimacy of your republic, making your vote worthless? 100 percent. They're doing it right now.
Republican "Patriots" should've known that all the Orwellian police state placebos they passed after 911 -- instead of ending the suicidal immigration policies that caused 911 in the first place and cost us the USA on Tuesday -- would be used primarily on Americans. Feel secure now? As always, the greater threat to America and Americans was never primitive Jihadis or other foreign enemies. It was always our own corrupt, lame-o leaders, who laid out the welcome rug for Jihadis in the first place. God help us, we now get the government the stupid a-holes deserve.
Hey, somebody thank the NRA for re-electing Montana's anti-gun Democrat Senator Tester by giving him a phony A- and refusing to endorse his opponent. We didn't have any slack for that kind of game on election day, and now it's too late to do the right thing. Game over. Well, for us anyway, not for the beltway lobbyist whores. It's smiley-face "game on" for them.
Now, for the "What Would Reagan Do" worshippers. The USA is also dead man walking today thanks to Reagan's suicidal 1986 "comprehensive reform" amnesty, the worst field tilter since the Great Society and New Deal (well, other than black box voting anyway). Reagan could've honored his oath, enforced our borders and immigration laws, reversed the problem as Eisenhower did in the 1950s. Instead, 26 years after Reagan's betrayal, we have to overcome tens of millions of votes of former illegals and now-voting-age anchor babies. But at least "Reagan defeated the Soviet Union". Really? How? By deciding he didn't want to let the Soviet Union defeat the USA? As if Communism didn't defeat itself? As if the theoretical threat of the USSR was ever a greater threat to the existence of the USA as a true sovereign constitutional republic than the actual invasion Reagan encouraged and ratified? LOOK AROUND. And someone tell me how cutting taxes without cutting spending was such a good deal. Did I miss those spending cuts? Were there any? Did I misinterpret the last 30 years of Republicans championing tax cuts in order to increase government revenues and not have to cut spending?
For the "miss me now" Bush rehabilitators, I won't get into the idiot non-savant GW "Guest Worker" Bush except to point out that he built up the real estate bubble by importing more "cheap labor" after 911 than the prior several presidents did before 911, did nothing to stop mortgages to illegals and others who never should've had them, then turned what had been a gradual correction into a panic and collapse by championing and signing the Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Relief Act of December 2007. Tens of millions of homeowners for whom a smirky, winky Bush had spread a ridiculous "compassionate conservative" fairy tale -- that they didn't understand the basic terms of the biggest investment they ever made -- who could've kept paying and would have kept paying even though they had negative equity -- began moving towards recorded defaults or were able to force banks to let them get away with unrecorded defaults and keep the homes anyway (aka principle and interest "relief"). The mortgage portfolio, bank and credit markets inevitably collapsed within months. With that alone, not to mention the preemptive quagmires in Iraq and Afghanistan, Bush begat Obama. Well get used to it. Idiots like Bush are back in style for the post-war U.S. consensus.
Open, uncontrolled mass 3rd world over-immigration IS socialism by automatic redistribution of national wealth and income, inevitably and by definition, in addition to destruction of our sovereignty, heritage, human and natural environments, elbow room, privacy, dignity, mobility, freedom, liberty, heritage, standard of living, cost of living and quality of life. Through subversion of immigration policy and borders, the Wall Street Journal, Chamber of Commerce, 'Libertarians' and the rest of the Immigration Socialist crowd has redistributed or destroyed far more wealth and income than the world's Communists ever dreamed of doing. Every time the Immigration Socialists double the population of the USA through immigration, they cut your share of "public property" in half. It's YOUR property, but the 'U.S.' Chamber of Communists treats it as if it belongs to the world or is theirs to give away.
Welcome to Bizarro America sign (English Translation):
Entering Bizarro USA
Population: Over One Billion
Pavement: Near Completion
Development: Vertical
Density: Sardine Can
Quality of Life: Darwinian
Rights: None
Heritage: Gone
Resistance: Futile
Also see: Former NRA director challenges reliability of candidate grades
Bye bye Tea Party.
Welcome back RINOs. "Con" will forever be the key syllable in conservative. Bizarro USA will be like the "post-war British consensus" in which "wet conservative" collaborators rolled for everything. The extent of Republican "conservatism" will be to tinker and "fix" the welfare state around the edges, reign in just enough of the excesses and idiocies to help ratchet it down for keeps.
From: David Codrea
Subject: Just what we F-ing need
10 Nov 2012
"Young, pragmatic, Hispanic, just what GOP needs"
Yeah, that's just what we need. More Panic Hispandering, more "prags" to accelerate the race-based voting, appeasement, amnesty, and 3rd-world invasion that tilted the playing field to a high pitch over the last 30 years. Third-world immigrants, especially the extended families of illegal aliens, are NOT going to vote majority Republican. They'll be glad to accept your foolish appeasement, but the vast majority will continue to vote D to lock down the goodies, invasion, coup d'etat and "reconquista" which the idiot Republican "U.S." Chamber of Commerce waterboy collaborators facilitated and did nothing to stop. They'll vote 2-1 Democrat (before counting multiple pseudonymous voting), but many Republicans are so stupid they think we can make up for the per-unit loss by increasing volume.
This presidential election and countless smaller ones, were stolen.O was gonna go -- unless there was massive vote fraud. Which there was, thanks to wishful Republican thinking. In California and too many other states fraudsters can show up to vote without ID and the "authorities" simply take their word for it. 20 years ago when California was already demographically lost on a time delay fuse thanks to Reagan's amnesty (and Republicans were deluding themselves that they could take it back with the old tired loser strategies), the Institute for Fair Elections filmed a couple going from poll to poll doing this. Republican prosecutors and a Republican Secretary of State hushed it up and did nothing.
But it's really easier than that, since you don't even have to leave home to steal votes, thanks to ... tah dah ... Republicans. In California it was a Republican L.A. County Supervisor who championed the suicidal system of mail-in registration and "absentee" balloting that enabled Democrats and illegals to vote as many times as they want with impunity. Pseudonymous multiple voting fraud is extensive because there are no real safeguards and because it is rarely investigated or prosecuted even in the most egregious cases. The defunct IFFE and other groups documented it extensively and were ignored.
But it's even easier than that, since Rs bent over for black box electronic voting and vote "counting", so now Ds and "Rs" don't even have to go to the trouble of registering & voting multiple times. Just "count" the vote. No paper trail. "Quis custodiet custodes?" isn't even the question anymore. Paper ballots and old school counts weren't perfect, but they were the least of evils.
Must-see HBO special: "Hacking Democracy" (over an hour, so I humbly recommend the reader finish reading this and then watch it).
www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=rVTXbARGXso&NR=1[Disclaimer: I do try to distinguish between Republicans and "Republicans", but it's gets too cumbersome sometimes, and of course there's overlap, so the reader will sometimes just have to try to figure out which one I'm referring to. By "Republicans" I mean RINOs and corrupt politicians with Rs after their name. No corrupt pol is a Republican in an honest, accurate sense of the word. Pretty clear that much of the corrupt "Republican" establishment is in on the fraud, which would explain better than idiocy and denial why "Republican" leaders refuse to talk about it. That Ds are in on it would explain why Kerry didn't contest in 2004. How do you cry black box fraud when your side's doing it too and the other side just did more of it? So elections are being stolen by corrupt forces of both parties, though Ds on balance benefited more in 2012, and on balance over time it will move the country in a corrupt, banana-republic, statist, big-government direction - whoever wins, D or "R".]
Also see:
"What Luck! Obama Won Dozens of Cleveland Districts with 100% of the Vote"
"Subject: Programmer under oath admits computers rig elections"
But Republicans continue in self-delusion and dismissal mode. They don't want to know, let alone do anything, as they have for the last 30 years. They want to keep being "good sportsmen" -- in other words the best, most gracious LOSERS in the world. Double down on the same loser tactics, on the failure to organize and act, and on the betrayals and appeasement that got us here in the first place.
Besides the swing states it was thought Romney would take, and the crude election tampering and intimidation shenanigans in banana republic locales like Philadelphia, one fraud indicator that stinks is Col Allen West's Florida congressional seat, apparently lost to a 20-something ex-RINO. West was polling between one and nine points ahead, but now with 110% of the votes "counted", he's down almost 1%.
We've had elections stolen for many years, more and more frequently. Each stolen election is a bloodless coup d'etat, but Republicans pretend it's not happening, or shrug it off as if it were little kids playing a prank and not an act of war against the Republic by domestic enemies. They would rather pretend Al Qaeda is the big threat or some other foreign enemy. Much more sexy.
Now, with black box systems and no ID required, we're more vulnerable to fraud than many 3rd-world countries, worse really because so many Rs are indoctrinated with the fairy tale that the USA can never be destroyed, that it will always bounce back no matter how bad the fraud, demographics and incentives are weighted against us, that it can't happen here. Anyone for pattycake?
A good indication Republicans will continue to live in denial of this was Rush Limbaugh on the morning after, doing the profoundly obvious mantra that The Problem is that not enough Republicans can deliver The Message well enough. "We just have to be better at delivering The Message." Well we better get really, incredibly better if we expect to explain it to a Tsunami of illiterate "cheap labor", government school graduates, and the "53%" -- and overcome black-box vote rigging on top of it all. It's unrealistic to think our side will get that good. Like the "good sportsmen" they are, Republicans are the best losers in the world. They have to be. They accepted the challenge of so many handicaps, let the field get so tilted that we can't just get better if we want to take it back, we have to get perfect. There's no longer any slack to cover mistakes.
Unfortunately, it wasn't a game. It was a war for our culture and our Republic. The notion that we could afford to bend over for multiple handicaps and we just have to get better at explaining our philosophy is what Republicans have pushed for 30 years, even while they helped derail "radical" tuition voucher initiatives that would've bankrupted the Government-Union/Democrat machine by now -- just by being on the ballot every couple years, let alone passing. And how much better would things be now if every parent had been able to afford to send kids to competitive schools that are not centers of indoctrination, illiteracy and perversion?
Perhaps our side could've won with a bit more registration and GOTV, but next time we would have to do ten times as much of it, and all of us become the perfect superactivist organizers, and that's hardly likely. No party can do things perfectly. That's why we couldn't afford to accept permanent long-game handicaps; we needed slack to absorb inevitable mistakes. By long game, I mean in the much vaunted Chinese sense. You have to accept imperfection, not systematic betrayals and treason. Republicans pissed away our slack through betrayals, dereliction and fairy tale wishful thinking.
But hey, at least Republicans saved Iraq and Afghanistan by preemptive quagmire while they were losing the USA. At least everyone on FoxNews got to play anti-terror strategist and say GITMO instead of Guantanamo Bay (while our own borders were wide open during a "war on terror" and Jihadis were sauntering in and breeding anchor Jihadis). How glamorous. Was it worth it? Really worth it? Maybe we can move to Iraq and Afghanistan and they will give us sanctuary cities and drivers licenses and resident tuition. They're obviously ever so grateful and honorable. No doubt they'll return the favor.
Four centuries after Lepanto, and for at least the last 200 years, the only real threat of Islam to what used to be the west has been immigration, not military attack. Idiots. Like Communism, Islam is not competent to threaten our existence -- that is unless the West decides to lose or just doesn't care anymore. The actual threat that is and has been actually destroying the USA, is internal -- domestic enemies -- and imported courtesy of those domestic enemies. Who's taking your rights away and pissing your country away? Al Qaeda, or the Ds and "R"s? What's your actual chance of being hurt by Al Qaeda? Right around zero percent. What's your chance of the Democrats and RINOs taking your rights away, your country, your quality of life, your liberty, and the legitimacy of your republic, making your vote worthless? 100 percent. They're doing it right now.
Republican "Patriots" should've known that all the Orwellian police state placebos they passed after 911 -- instead of ending the suicidal immigration policies that caused 911 in the first place and cost us the USA on Tuesday -- would be used primarily on Americans. Feel secure now? As always, the greater threat to America and Americans was never primitive Jihadis or other foreign enemies. It was always our own corrupt, lame-o leaders, who laid out the welcome rug for Jihadis in the first place. God help us, we now get the government the stupid a-holes deserve.
Hey, somebody thank the NRA for re-electing Montana's anti-gun Democrat Senator Tester by giving him a phony A- and refusing to endorse his opponent. We didn't have any slack for that kind of game on election day, and now it's too late to do the right thing. Game over. Well, for us anyway, not for the beltway lobbyist whores. It's smiley-face "game on" for them.
Now, for the "What Would Reagan Do" worshippers. The USA is also dead man walking today thanks to Reagan's suicidal 1986 "comprehensive reform" amnesty, the worst field tilter since the Great Society and New Deal (well, other than black box voting anyway). Reagan could've honored his oath, enforced our borders and immigration laws, reversed the problem as Eisenhower did in the 1950s. Instead, 26 years after Reagan's betrayal, we have to overcome tens of millions of votes of former illegals and now-voting-age anchor babies. But at least "Reagan defeated the Soviet Union". Really? How? By deciding he didn't want to let the Soviet Union defeat the USA? As if Communism didn't defeat itself? As if the theoretical threat of the USSR was ever a greater threat to the existence of the USA as a true sovereign constitutional republic than the actual invasion Reagan encouraged and ratified? LOOK AROUND. And someone tell me how cutting taxes without cutting spending was such a good deal. Did I miss those spending cuts? Were there any? Did I misinterpret the last 30 years of Republicans championing tax cuts in order to increase government revenues and not have to cut spending?
For the "miss me now" Bush rehabilitators, I won't get into the idiot non-savant GW "Guest Worker" Bush except to point out that he built up the real estate bubble by importing more "cheap labor" after 911 than the prior several presidents did before 911, did nothing to stop mortgages to illegals and others who never should've had them, then turned what had been a gradual correction into a panic and collapse by championing and signing the Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Relief Act of December 2007. Tens of millions of homeowners for whom a smirky, winky Bush had spread a ridiculous "compassionate conservative" fairy tale -- that they didn't understand the basic terms of the biggest investment they ever made -- who could've kept paying and would have kept paying even though they had negative equity -- began moving towards recorded defaults or were able to force banks to let them get away with unrecorded defaults and keep the homes anyway (aka principle and interest "relief"). The mortgage portfolio, bank and credit markets inevitably collapsed within months. With that alone, not to mention the preemptive quagmires in Iraq and Afghanistan, Bush begat Obama. Well get used to it. Idiots like Bush are back in style for the post-war U.S. consensus.
Open, uncontrolled mass 3rd world over-immigration IS socialism by automatic redistribution of national wealth and income, inevitably and by definition, in addition to destruction of our sovereignty, heritage, human and natural environments, elbow room, privacy, dignity, mobility, freedom, liberty, heritage, standard of living, cost of living and quality of life. Through subversion of immigration policy and borders, the Wall Street Journal, Chamber of Commerce, 'Libertarians' and the rest of the Immigration Socialist crowd has redistributed or destroyed far more wealth and income than the world's Communists ever dreamed of doing. Every time the Immigration Socialists double the population of the USA through immigration, they cut your share of "public property" in half. It's YOUR property, but the 'U.S.' Chamber of Communists treats it as if it belongs to the world or is theirs to give away.
Welcome to Bizarro America sign (English Translation):
Entering Bizarro USA
Population: Over One Billion
Pavement: Near Completion
Development: Vertical
Density: Sardine Can
Quality of Life: Darwinian
Rights: None
Heritage: Gone
Resistance: Futile
Also see: Former NRA director challenges reliability of candidate grades