Better Spies, Not More -- Max Boot, L.A. Times
The U.S. intelligence community already suffers from a propensity to put quantity over quality.
The Defense Intelligence Agency is planning to dramatically expand the ranks of its covert "collectors" — a.k.a. case officers or, more popularly, spies. It has 500 or so and hopes to double that number.
There is nothing inherently wrong with this plan, which is being pushed by the DIA's new director, Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. It is unlikely to lead to a militarization of U.S. foreign policy, as some fear — the military is already the dominant player in the intelligence community, with its control not only of the Defense Department's DIA but also the National Security Agency and other high-tech outfits.
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My Comment: This is so typical of government .... if there is a problem .... the solution is to throw money at it. But in this case .... it is true .... money helps but it is not the prime solution to making the U.S. intelligence community a more effective and "cheaper" organization to run.