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The Realist Prism: U.S. Must Plan Now for China's Global Presence -- Nikolas Gvosdev, WPR
The U.S. presidential election campaign, particularly as it entered its final months, sucked up much of the oxygen in the news universe, meaning that a number of small international developments that might have otherwise drawn greater attention escaped notice. Under normal circumstances, the issues that had been overlooked would have gotten a closer look once the election was decided. But because of the breathless coverage of the David Petraeus scandal last month, since replaced by the 24/7 focus on whether the United States is about to plunge over the fiscal cliff, that has not happened. But one development in particular warrants attention.
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My Comment: Nikolas Gvosdev is right .... the U.S. (and everyone else) must plan now for China's eventual rise on the global scene. But .... the U.S. (and everyone else) are occupied elsewhere.