If you read nothing else today, take ten minutes and read this account by Elias Alias of Oath Keepers of an arrest and courtroom appearance in Montana. Fascinating stuff. [Read]
It ain't over by a long shot, and as you'll see, the Fourth Estate Fifth Columnist "Authorized Journalists" are coming down squarely in favor of distorting things against the individual and for the benefit of the state, so it's important that as many people as possible be exposed to the truth, lest injustice be allowed to succeed in darkness.
It ain't over by a long shot, and as you'll see, the Fourth Estate Fifth Columnist "Authorized Journalists" are coming down squarely in favor of distorting things against the individual and for the benefit of the state, so it's important that as many people as possible be exposed to the truth, lest injustice be allowed to succeed in darkness.