French Troops Target Terrorists In Mali As Newest Shadow War Begins -- Danger Room
The newest shadow war pitting western troops against Islamic radicals has begun. Except this one doesn’t feature any American forces, robots or warplanes. At least, not right this second.
France has sent an as-yet-undisclosed number of troops to Mali, the beleaguered northwest African country whose northern section has been overrun by Islamist guerillas. “This operation will last as long as necessary,” French President Francois Hollande announced Friday.
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N. Korea tells China planning nuclear test: report -- Space Daily/AFP
The Coming Russian Naval Modernization -- Information Dissemination
New hardware for Russian forces -- Voice of Russia
Russian Ex-Defense Minister Serdyukov Declines to Testify -- RIA Novosti
Russian Navy Holds Syria Exercises -- RIA Novosti
Dempsey: U.S. can’t stop Syrian chemical weapon attack -- Defense Tech
Turkey postpones purchasing U.S F-35 fighters --
Chinese missile defense test? -- Washington Times
Philippine Coast Guard to receive 10 patrol boats from Japan -- Global Nation
DoD: No plans to deploy CV-22 to Japan, for now -- Air Force Times
Congress’ Budget Games Mean Less Cash, More Chaos for Pentagon -- Danger Room
Boehner takes flak from Republican defense hawks on sequester stance -- The Hill
Panetta orders defense cuts before Congress does -- CNN
Air Force Leaders Will Deliver Budget Guidance to Force in Days -- US Department of Defense
Air Force memo outlines sweeping budget cuts -- AP
The Air Force Wants Its Nukes A Lot Smaller And More Portable -- Business Insider
Why Air Force Needs Lots Of F-35s: Gen. Hostage On The 'Combat Cloud' -- Danger Room
Lockheed Martin Highlights F-35 Program Achievements for 2012 -- Lockheed Martin
Release of F-35 2012 test report card shows continued waste on a dud program -- Eric Palmer Blog
Move over GCV; Army Aviation Wants New Toys Too -- Dod Buzz
Army Aviators Face New Threats With Old Helicopters: Drones, Tactics key -- Aol Defense
Intelligence: Marines Put FETs On Ice -- Strategy Page
Army opens Special Operations flying missions to women -- Stars and Stripes
Sandia airborne pods seek to trace nuclear bomb’s origins -- Sandia National Laboratories
DARPA wants to dot ocean floor with network of robotic pods that can spy, explore -- Network World
US government tells computer users to disable Java -- AP
Suicide Curses the Navy, Again -- The Mellow Jihadi
Hagel, Kerry, And The Combat Experience -- Lawrence J. Haas, IBTimes
Epic combat valor: Former soldier to receive Medal of Honor -- CNN