In Mali Town, Militants Are Gone But Challenges For French Remain -- Washington Post
DIABALY, MALI — Soon after French forces landed in Mali, radical fighters swept into this dusty hamlet of mud houses and red dirt, and for five days last week their presence stood as a potent symbol of defiance.
The fighters went house to house, residents said, telling people not to fear. The militants insisted that they were targeting only “white guys and Malian soldiers,” though they later beat local Christians.
At makeshift checkpoints, they searched anyone they suspected of being a spy. They occupied houses, both to sleep and to hide weapons. They looted medicine from the hospital and stole chickens from residents.
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More News On The War In Mali
Mali Live Blog -- Al Jazeera
Mali sets sights on Gao and Timbuktu -- Gulf News/AFP
France, Malian troops take another town from Islamist extremists -- FOX News/AP
French and Malian troops enter Diabaly -- Al Jazeera
French troops greeted as liberators in Mali -- Washington Post
French-Malian Forces Recapture Two Towns From Islamist Militants -- RTT
French Airstrikes Push Back Islamists and Regain Towns in Central Mali -- New York Times
Malian-French forces advance in battle while more regional troops arrive in Mali -- Xinhuanet
French, Malian Troops Retake Rebel-Controlled Town -- Voice of America
Insurgents abandon towns in central Mali as French troops advance -- NBC/Reuters
Chad Troops Move Toward Niger's Mali Border to Face Islamists -- New York Times/Reuters
Islamists recruiting children to bolster their numbers in Mali -- Miami Herald/McClatchy News
US begins transporting French troops and equipment to Mali; Islamist rebels gone from Douentza -- Washington Post/AP
As Troops Advance in Mali, U.S. Begins Airlift -- New York Times
First U.S. Air Force Flight Lands in Mali -- ABC News
UK to consider boosting French Mali operation support -- BBC
Mali Security Measures Hinder Humanitarian Access to Civilians --
Malian-French forces advance in battle while more regional troops arrive in Mali -- Xinhuanet
French, Malian Troops Retake Rebel-Controlled Town -- Voice of America
Insurgents abandon towns in central Mali as French troops advance -- NBC/Reuters
Chad Troops Move Toward Niger's Mali Border to Face Islamists -- New York Times/Reuters
Islamists recruiting children to bolster their numbers in Mali -- Miami Herald/McClatchy News
US begins transporting French troops and equipment to Mali; Islamist rebels gone from Douentza -- Washington Post/AP
As Troops Advance in Mali, U.S. Begins Airlift -- New York Times
First U.S. Air Force Flight Lands in Mali -- ABC News
UK to consider boosting French Mali operation support -- BBC
Mali Security Measures Hinder Humanitarian Access to Civilians -- Voice of America
Mali’s Islamic Leaders, U.S. Back French-Led Campaign -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Mali donor conference to seek $450 million for African troops -- Reuters
Mali conflict: Rewriting the UN's best made plans -- Barbara Plett, BBC
Mali: War By Default -- David Zounmenou,
Mali: From Here to Timbuktu - A Brief History of Mali --
French, Malian Troops Retake Rebel-Controlled Town -- Voice of America
Insurgents abandon towns in central Mali as French troops advance -- NBC/Reuters
Chad Troops Move Toward Niger's Mali Border to Face Islamists -- New York Times/Reuters
Islamists recruiting children to bolster their numbers in Mali -- Miami Herald/McClatchy News
US begins transporting French troops and equipment to Mali; Islamist rebels gone from Douentza -- Washington Post/AP
As Troops Advance in Mali, U.S. Begins Airlift -- New York Times
First U.S. Air Force Flight Lands in Mali -- ABC News
UK to consider boosting French Mali operation support -- BBC
Mali Security Measures Hinder Humanitarian Access to Civilians -- Voice of America
Mali’s Islamic Leaders, U.S. Back French-Led Campaign -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Mali donor conference to seek $450 million for African troops -- Reuters
Mali conflict: Rewriting the UN's best made plans -- Barbara Plett, BBC
Mali: War By Default -- David Zounmenou,
Mali: From Here to Timbuktu - A Brief History of Mali --