Amid Talk Of Mali Exit, French Forces Find War In North Still Hot, Not Yet Over -- Christian Science Monitor/Reuters
African and western nations looking for post-war structures: 'There will never, ever be a solution if you don't talk to the Tuaregs,' says Jeremy Keenan, British expert on East Africa.
French and Malian troops are fighting Islamist rebels in the Sahara outside northern Mali's biggest town, France's defense minister said on Wednesday, describing the desert campaign against Al Qaeda as a "real war" that was far from won.
After driving the Islamists from north Mali's main towns with three weeks of air strikes and a lightning ground advance, France is now pursuing them in the remote northeast where pro-autonomy Tuaregs are pressing their own territorial claims.
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More News On The War In Mali
France: Hundreds of Islamist militants killed in Mali -- BBC
French troops kill 'hundreds' of Islamist fighters in Mali -- CNN
French troops kill 'several hundred' Islamist militants in Mali, official says -- FOX News
New Skirmishes Reported in Mali as France Promises Withdrawal -- New York Times
French battle Mali rebels in Sahara, Tuaregs an issue -- Reuters
French, Malian Forces Clash With Militants Outside Gao -- Voice of America
Stash of weapons, rocket rattle Mali town of Gao -- AP
France action in Mali is real war, says Le Drian -- BBC
French troops clash with Islamists in 'real war' in Mali -- Times/AFP
Troops quit city as French force is accused of retreating too soon --
Stretched in Timbuktu, French wait for African reinforcements -- Reuters
The remote mountains of northern Mali - perfect for guerrillas -- BBC
France Plans to Start Reducing Forces in Mali -- Bloomberg
Report: French may start leaving Mali in March -- Bloomberg Businessweek/AP
France may begin Mali withdrawal within weeks -- The Guardian
France: Mali withdrawal is in sight -- Christian Science Monitor
French army to pull out of Mali within weeks -- Euronews
Aid worker in Mali says access is limited 'despite vast need' for critical services -- CNN
Recording Rights Abuses in Northern Mali -- Voice of America
Mali: the crisis is not over -- Simon Allison, The Guardian