Mali Army Accused Of 'Summary Executions' -- Al Jazeera
Mali's army seals off central town amid allegations that some of its soldiers had been involved in revenge killings.
Mali's army has sealed off a central town, and joined by other soldiers from the West African bloc, amid allegations that some of its soldiers had summarily executed dozens of people allegedly connected to rebel fighters.
The International Federation of Human Rights Leagues said on Thursday that in the central town of Sevare at least 11 people were executed in a military camp near a bus station and the town's hospital, citing evidence gathered by local researchers.
Credible reports also pointed to around 20 other people having been executed in the same area and the bodies having been dumped in wells or otherwise disposed of, the organisation said.
At Niono, also in the centre of the country, two Malian Tuaregs were executed by Malian soldiers, according to the FIDH.
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Burkinabe troops join French-led push against Mali rebels -- Reuters
Mali: Terrorists Flee French Precision -- Strategy Page
African forces to boost Mali offensive -- Gulf News
United States, Italy lend support for French in Mali -- CNN
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US, Africa say Mali action counters growing Islamist threat -- Reuters
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Russia, China grapple with Mali's future -- M K Bhadrakumar, Asia Times
The Taliban of Timbuktu -- Karima Bennoune, New York Times
Sound reasons to fight Al Qaeda in Mali -- Stefan Simanowit, Global Post
Can Mali use surge of patriotism to heal its political divides? -- John Thorne, Christian Science Monitor
The U.S. in Mali: Sniping from behind? -- Kori Schake, Shadow Government/Foreign Policy