From Dead Patriot Films, via email:
We were hoping that some deep-pocket finance types would have shown themselves by now to help us carry this film to the finishing line, but no such luck. Therefore, the crew and I have decided to return to Kickstarter to raise the funds needed to complete the film and take it to theaters by March to be part of the “conversation” while congress debates our 2nd Amendment rights.Learn more:
Yes, theaters!
Using a similar distribution plan used by the recent film 2016, we’re going to self-promote and distribute the film in major US cities “art house” cinemas. With strong positive reviews, we will then secure traditional distribution. Once the theatrical release is completed, we will then distribute a TV edit to PBS/PTV affiliates for broadcast. Netflix and web streaming will follow by the end of spring.
What happened to the funds from the first round? In the 90 days since receiving $64,000 from Kickstarter (yes, they take a commission!), we hit the road and conducted 50+ interviews and gathered some great footage. Our travels took us up and down California, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Florida and Louisiana. Expenses included t-shirts, hats, insurance, salaries, fuel, lawyers, hotels, airfare and food. We also covered the small loans that carried us from May to October when we were developing the concept for this film.
Now we will recharge the till, set the editor and his crew to work and craft the film that is needed now more than ever. We hope that each of you will consider another donation to our film to help us communicate the importance of “we the people” and the right to “keep and bear arms”.
Please donate here -