ANOTHER U.S. Newspaper Targeted By Chinese Hackers As Washington Post Reveals It Was Targeted By Cyber Spies -- Daily Mail
* The Washington Post is latest newspaper targeted by Chinese
* Comes one day after the Wall Street Journal said Chinese hackers tried to access information on reporting activity and journalists' sources
* The New York Times similarly revealed its computer system had been hacked
* Attack on NYT is a suspected retaliation for the paper's investigation into the fortune of Chinese premier Wen Jiabao
The Washington Post is the latest newspaper to have been attacked by Chinese hackers, it was revealed today.
The hackers targeted three servers and many desktops that allowed them to get access to the network, as well as reporters' usernames and passwords, for more than half of 2012, sources said.
The newspaper had to bring in outside consultants from the National Security Agency and the Defense Department for help
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Major US Newspapers Allege Chinese Hack Attack -- ABC News
The newspaper had to bring in outside consultants from the National Security Agency and the Defense Department for help
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More News On Chinese Hackers Targeting U.S. Media Companies
Major US Newspapers Allege Chinese Hack Attack -- ABC News
More News On Chinese Hackers Targeting U.S. Media Companies
Major US Newspapers Allege Chinese Hack Attack -- ABC News
Wall Street Journal 'also victim of China hacking attack' -- BBC
Chinese cyberattacks on New York Times and Wall Street Journal -- Digital Journal
Chinese hackers suspected in attack on The Post’s computers -- Washington Post
Chinese hacking of US media is 'widespread phenomenon', says WSJ -- Wired
First the NYT, now the Wall Street Journal: But are hacking attacks from China new? -- The Register
Companies Blindfolded in Cyber War Defense -- Wall Street Journal