The Art of Cyberwar -- Fred Kaplan, Slate
If Beijing was going to threaten the United States with a cyberattack, how would it do it?
The New York Times’ front-page report this week that the Chinese army is hacking into America’s most sensitive computer networks from a 12-story building outside Shanghai might finally persuade skeptics that the threat of “cyber warfare” isn’t the fevered fantasy of Richard Clarke, the producers of Die Hard 4, or the generals at the ever-growing U.S. Cyber Command. Alas, it’s real.
But what is the threat? Few of those in the know believe that some fine day, out of the blue, China will zap the programs that run our power grids, gas lines, waterworks, or banking systems, sending our economy—and much else—into a tailspin. Even if the Chinese could pull off such a feat with one keystroke, it’s hard to imagine what they’d accomplish, especially since their fortunes are wrapped up with our own.
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My Comment: The public and our leaders are still not focused on the threat. I have always been of the opinion that it will take a major 9/11 cyber event .... i.e. a financial network crash that will last for a week or more .... to wake up everyone on why cyber warfare and cyber security is important.