So has the manifest been either kept hidden all these years or falsified? [Read]
What this means, of course, is that conspiracies with top government involvement are real, and that evil bastards pulling strings have no compunctions about starting a profitable war in which millions upon millions will die, including their own countrymen.
Think about the evil that points to. Fortunately for us, it's just history, and stuff like that could never happen today.
And that's why we have to have a monopoly of violence!
What this means, of course, is that conspiracies with top government involvement are real, and that evil bastards pulling strings have no compunctions about starting a profitable war in which millions upon millions will die, including their own countrymen.
Think about the evil that points to. Fortunately for us, it's just history, and stuff like that could never happen today.
And that's why we have to have a monopoly of violence!