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Sequestration’s Impact on America’s Military -- Harry Kazianis, The Diplomat
he Diplomat's editor Harry Kazianis spoke with Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment Senior Fellow Mark Gunzinger concerning Sequestration and its possible effects on America's pivot to Asia.
1. As Sequestration looms, America has made a commitment to "pivot" or "rebalance" to the Asia-Pacific. One part of this is shifting military assets into the Pacific. In an era of greatly reduced resources, what impact will this have on the defense component of the pivot in terms of readiness and available manpower if forces are needed in a crisis (defense or non-defense related aka tsunami or earthquake etc.)?
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More News And Commentary On Sequestration And It's Impact On The U.S. Military
As sequester nears, White House reveals state-by-state breakdown of effects -- Stars and Stripes
Top Senate Republican doubts damage from defense cuts -- CNN
DoD Unlikely To Get Budget-Cutting Authority: Rule Change Would Ease Sequestration -- Defense News
Debt, Deficits, and the Defense Budget -- PBS/Council on Foreign Relations
Safety Isn't Everything: An Addendum on the $46 Billion in Pentagon Cuts -- Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic
There's plenty to cut at the Pentagon -- William D. Hartung, Special to CNN
Why are defense hawks losing the battle? -- Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post
White House releases state-by-state breakdown of sequester’s effects -- Washington Times
Defense and the Sequester -- New York Times editorial
Pentagon Sequestysteria -- Mark Thompson, Time
Here's Why the Sequester Cuts Hit Defense So Hard -- David Frum, Daily Beast
Five Military Cuts That Would Fix Sequestration -- Bloomberg Businessweek
The Crew Of The USS Barry Is Already Battered By Defense Cuts -- Business Insider