Obama: Sequester Is 'A Series Of Dumb, Arbitrary Cuts' (Live Updates) -- The Guardian
• 'Give me an example of what I might do,' president says
• Obama: 'I am not a dictator'
• Boehner says discussion on new tax revenue 'is over'
• White House meeting lasts about an hour
• Automatic budget cuts begin today
• Military families feel effects of sequester
• Read our essential guide to the sequester
The president is hereby using the power of his office to advance his legislative agenda. He's spoken for 40 minutes to the press, an unusually long time in an administration when the president taking any questions at all has come to seem unusual.
Obama's statement this morning is, let's talk about it. I've got nothing to hide. The more we talk about it the more my advantage grows.
Read more ....
Update: Obama, congressional leaders: No deal on sequester -- USA Today
My Comment: The real debate will be occurring a few weeks from now when budget resolutions will need to be passed. If you want to see fireworks and panic in the White House and Congress .... that is when it is going to happen.
But .... as I have said before .... I do expect the Republicans to cave and they and the White House will do what they have been doing for years .... kicking the can down the road for someone else to tackle.