As Qualified Men Dwindle, Military Looks For A Few Good Women -- NPR
When the Pentagon said earlier this year that it would open ground combat jobs to women, it was cast in terms of giving women equal opportunities in the workplace — the military workplace.
But the move has practical considerations, too. The military needs qualified people to fill its ranks, and it's increasingly harder to find them among men.
"It's fairly common knowledge that our population of military-age young men, who qualify for the military, is declining," Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey said in an interview with NPR just after the Pentagon announced that women no longer be excluded from ground combat jobs.
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My Comment: With defense budget cuts now the norm, I do not see the U.S. military hiring many of these recruits. On a side note, here is an interesting post on female soldiers and the difficulties that they face when they switch from front lines to homefront.