U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel (L) and Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff General Martin Dempsey (R) speak during a briefing on the Defense Department's FY2014 budget at the Pentagon in Washington, April 10, 2013. Voice of America
Defense Budget Request Starts Multi-Front War In Capital -- Aviation Week
President Barack Obama is asking Congress to provide $526.6 billion in defense spending for fiscal 2014, a figure that does not include war-funding details or the continuing effects of across-the-board budget cuts that start in fiscal 2013.
Over 10 years, the request sent to Capitol Hill on April 10 would trim $150 billion from previous spending plans for the military, with most of the reductions coming in later years. The reductions are a part of the president’s proposal for trimming the deficit which, if adopted by Congress, could repeal the Budget Control Act of 2011 that set in motion nearly $1 trillion in across-the-board budget cuts over the next decade.
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More News On The Pentagon's 2014 Budget Request
Hagel Presents Defense Budget Request to Congress -- US Department of Defense
Hagel: Job not to cut heart out of Pentagon -- Mercury News/AP
Proposed defense budget includes military, weapons cut -- UPI
Hagel: Defense Budget Transitions Military Focus -- Voice of America
Hagel defends DOD budget that exceeds spending caps -- Stars and Stripes
Defense Department budget unveiled; takes fire from all sides -- Stars and Stripes
Hagel discusses military budget cuts before House committee -- Washington Free Beacon
Hagel says Obama didn’t instruct him to cut heart out of Pentagon, says budgets cuts were law -- Washington Post/AP
Pentagon’s proposed budget about same as last year -- Washington Post
Dempsey: Budget Request Reflects Much Fiscal Uncertainty -- US Department of Defense
US Military Hit by Budget Cuts, But North Korea Defense Intact - Hagel -- Global Post
Hagel laments 'political' changes to US defense budget -- Global Post/AFP
Obama calls for base closures -- Politico
Obama’s defense budget reneges on base closure promise -- Washington Times
Pentagon's $526.6 billion budget asks Congress for unpopular steps -- Chicago Tribune/Reuters
Navy Budget Share Grows, Boosted By Pacific Strategy Shift -- Aol Defense
Pivot means smaller presence outside Pacific -- Richard Sisk, DoD Buzz
The Army Has It Worst 2.0: Readiness Shortchanged $13.7 Billion -- Aol Defense
Top HASC Democrat: More Pentagon Cuts Likely ‘Under Any Scenario’ -- Defense News
USAF Space Command Chief: Budget Cuts Force Hard Choices -- Defense News
McKeon: ‘Big’ DoD Reprogramming Request Coming Soon -- Defense News
DoD 2014 Request is $52B Over Spending Caps -- Defense News
DoD Planning 40K-50K Civilian Job Cuts Over Next 5 Years -- Defense News
Budget restricts Navy, Marine surge capability -- DoD Buzz
Obama budget makes cybersecurity a growing U.S. priority -- Chicago Tribune/Reuters
Officials: Military Budget Cuts Won't Weaken Ability to Protect America -- USA Today
The Pentagon’s 2014 Budget: The Joint Chiefs of Chaff -- Mark Thompson, Battlefield/Time
Why Obama Won’t Cut Defense Spending -- John Glaser, Antiwar.com
Why military escaped Obama’s budget axe -- Fred Kaplan, Miami Herald/Slate
DOD Budget Ignores Law and Reality -- Mackenzie Eaglen, Real Clear Defense
2014 Budget: Three Reasons Why Pentagon's Request Is Irrelevant -- Sydney J. Freedberg Jr., Aol Defense
The Pentagon's 'Lost Year;' Time To Clear The Rubble -- David Berteau, Aol Defines