North Korean Missile In Upright Firing Position, Official Says -- CNN
(CNN) -- North Korea has raised at least one missile into its upright firing position, feeding concerns that a launch is imminent, a U.S. official told CNN Thursday.
This comes amid another round of daily tough talk from the North. A government agency is quoted by the state-run media as saying that "war can break out any moment."
So far, South Koreans -- who've heard the cross-border bombast before -- are taking the swagger in stride. Washington regards much of the North's saber rattling as bluster.
But no one is taking any chances as the daily clamor of threats from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's government shows no sign of letting up.
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More News On North Korea Preparing For A Missile Launch
South Korea and U.S. on missile watch as North hails Kim dynasty -- Reuters
South Korea Bracing for North Korean Missile Test 'Anytime Soon' -- ABC News
U.S. and South Korea Put Forces on Alert for Missile Test by North -- New York Times
South Korea Expects North's Missile Test by Monday -- Voice of America
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More News On North Korea Preparing For A Missile Launch
South Korea and U.S. on missile watch as North hails Kim dynasty -- Reuters
South Korea Bracing for North Korean Missile Test 'Anytime Soon' -- ABC News
U.S. and South Korea Put Forces on Alert for Missile Test by North -- New York Times
South Korea Expects North's Missile Test by Monday -- Voice of America
US, S. Korea Remain on Heightened Alert -- Voice of America
North Korea missile test could happen at any time, Pentagon and South Korean officials say -- FOX News
Seoul on Alert to Missile Test by North -- Wall Street Journal
North Korea 'inputs target coordinates into warheads' -- The Telegraph