AP CEO Says DOJ Seized Records For 'Thousands And Thousands' Of Phone Calls: Staffer -- Michael Calderone, Huffington post
NEW YORK -- Associated Press president and chief executive Gary Pruitt told staff at a Wednesday town hall meeting that the phone records obtained by the government included "thousands and thousands" of calls in and out of the news organization, according to a staffer who attended.
The AP revealed on May 13 that the Justice Department had seized records for 20 separate phone lines over a two-month period as part of a leak investigation, but has not mentioned how many calls may have been affected.
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My Comment: The above video is from two weeks ago. As for today's comments by AP CEO Gary Pruitt, only RT is carrying it (so far). I mentioned two weeks ago that my gut was telling me that this was probably the tip of the iceberg .... today's AP CEO Gary Pruitt's comments now confirm this. This is very disturbing news, and I expect even more information on how extensive this monitoring was to become unveiled in the next few days.
Update: Many in the mainstream media are starting to get upset with this White House .... as they should be. But the man who is ultimately responsible for this leak probe .... and has made no apologies about it .... is still being given a free pass by the press. When President Obama is not being given this 'free pass' is when I will start to believe that the Washington Press corp is getting serious about this scandal and others .... until then .... this is all for show.