Welcome To Woolwich, Where English Terrorists Say Sorry While They Murder -- Peter Pomerantsev, The Daily Beast
If the Londoner wielding a cleaver wanted to start a war, then Woolwich—home to poverty, the most violent immigrant gangs, and bubbling racial tension—is the place to start.
Yesterday at about 2:20 p.m., two young men armed with long knives and meat cleavers decapitated an off-duty soldier on an ordinary street in the London borough of Woolwich. The victim was wearing a “Help for Heroes” T-shirt, a charity to raise money for injured servicemen. The two attackers cried “Allahu Akhbar” as they hacked at him. Then, one of the attackers, still holding a bloodied machete and dripping knives, his hands still shining with fresh blood, still breathing hard from the work of separating a man’s head from his body, walked over to a TV camera and gave a monologue: “I apologize women had to see this, but in our country women have to see this every day.”
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Video magnifies London terrorists' savage bravado -- Tom Rogan, FOX News
An atrocity in London: Return to old-style terror -- The Economist
Did similar detours bring terrorism to streets of Boston and London? -- Dan Murphy, Christian Science Monitor
Israel is fighting a regional war in Syria -- Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, RT
Is Jabhat al-Nosra breaking apart? -- Aron Lund, Syria Comment
Tehran’s Designs on Afghanistan -- Sanjay Kumar, The Diplomat
The sooner the US exits Afghanistan, the better -- Matthew Hoh and Matt Southworth, The Guardian
Why, Despite Everything, Iranians Are Still Excited to Vote -- Hooman Majd, Foreign Affairs
Is China Inserting Itself Into the Taiwan-Philippines Spat? -- Zachary Keck, The Diplomat
China nears point of no return with Kim -- Francesco Sisci, Asia Times
Israel is fighting a regional war in Syria -- Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, RT
Is Jabhat al-Nosra breaking apart? -- Aron Lund, Syria Comment
Tehran’s Designs on Afghanistan -- Sanjay Kumar, The Diplomat
The sooner the US exits Afghanistan, the better -- Matthew Hoh and Matt Southworth, The Guardian
Why, Despite Everything, Iranians Are Still Excited to Vote -- Hooman Majd, Foreign Affairs
Is China Inserting Itself Into the Taiwan-Philippines Spat? -- Zachary Keck, The Diplomat
China nears point of no return with Kim -- Francesco Sisci, Asia Times
Is Kim Jong Un more bellicose than his dad was? -- Troy Stangarone, Andrew Kwon and Peter Taves, Special to CNN
U.S. Perilously Ignores Island Conflicts in Asia -- Donald Gross, Real Clear World
The Thankless Task of Greece's Top Job-Cutter -- Manfred Ertel, Spiegel Online
Is Jabhat al-Nosra breaking apart? -- Aron Lund, Syria Comment
Tehran’s Designs on Afghanistan -- Sanjay Kumar, The Diplomat
The sooner the US exits Afghanistan, the better -- Matthew Hoh and Matt Southworth, The Guardian
Why, Despite Everything, Iranians Are Still Excited to Vote -- Hooman Majd, Foreign Affairs
Is China Inserting Itself Into the Taiwan-Philippines Spat? -- Zachary Keck, The Diplomat
China nears point of no return with Kim -- Francesco Sisci, Asia Times
Is Kim Jong Un more bellicose than his dad was? -- Troy Stangarone, Andrew Kwon and Peter Taves, Special to CNN
U.S. Perilously Ignores Island Conflicts in Asia -- Donald Gross, Real Clear World
The Thankless Task of Greece's Top Job-Cutter -- Manfred Ertel, Spiegel Online