White House Releases Additional Documents Related To Benghazi Response -- NBC
Under increasing scrutiny from congressional Republicans, the White House on Wednesday released copies of emails and other additional supporting documents related to its response to last fall’s attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya.
The White House released the materials in the wake of Republicans’ clamor for more information about how the Obama administration crafted its explanation for the incident, which came at the height of last year’s campaign season, and resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens.
The emails convey different parts of the administration -- the White House, the State Department, and the CIA -- trading drafts of talking points for use not just by representatives of the administration, but also by members of Congress.
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More News On Some Benghazi Emails Released By The White House
White House releases Benghazi 'talking points' emails -- BBC
White House releases Benghazi e-mails -- CNN
Early E-Mails on Benghazi Show Internal Divisions -- New York Times
Obama Team’s E-Mails Show Benghazi Talking Points Facts Squeezed -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Petraeus email objected to Benghazi talking points -- AP
State fretted over Benghazi talking points -- Politico
Benghazi emails show CIA deputy director did most of editing on talking points -- McClatchy News
Benghazi emails show State Department had heavy hand in watering down account of attack -- FOX News
Benghazi emails: What do they reveal? -- Christian Science Monitor
The Benghazi Emails: What Do They Show? -- John Hinderaker, Power Line
My Comment: These emails reveal a few interesting facts that have not been reported. For one .... the FBI concluded right away that this was a terrorist attack by Al Qaeda. (2) Secretary of State Clinton was AWOL when these talking points were being discussed. (3) No mention of YouTube videos. (4) It appears that Susan Rice did not use these talking points when she showed up on a number of Sunday morning talk shows (September 16, 2012) to discuss the Benghazi attack.
A number of questions are also still unanswered. (1) Where was President Obama during the attack .... and was he engaged. (2) Who told the military to stand down during the attack .... even though they had no idea on how long the attack was going to last. (3) Where is the investigation today on finding and punishing those who launched the attack. (4) What was exactly happening at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi .... there appeared to be more CIA contractors and Special Ops than diplomats at the consulate.
Update #1: If you want to read the emails they are here.
Update #2: These emails start on September 14 .... three days after the attack. This is not the complete email release that some in the media are spinning.
Comment #2: The White House threw a bone to satisfy (they hope) some in the media who are clamoring for Benghazi news and information. But what they gave only just scratches the surface. What is my prediction for what will happen next .... it is only a matter of time before the survivors of the Benghazi attack are called to testify, and I suspect that what they will say will have a far greater impact than what these few emails are trying to explain.
Comment #3: I have been asked on what is my opinion of all of the scandals that are hitting Washington right now. The story that bothers me the most is the IRS scandal .... more to the point .... the politicization of the IRS to target and punish conservative groups and individuals. This is very scary stuff, and my gut is telling me that this is a far bigger story than Benghazi/AP/green subsidies to Dem. donors/etc. put together.