Exclusive: Holder Says 'No' to Special Counsel to Investigate Benghazi -- Breitbart
Breitbart News has obtained an exclusive video of Attorney General Eric Holder flatly rejecting the idea of appointing a special counsel to investigate Benghazi.
Filmed on May 15 and provided to Breitbart News by Special Operations Speaks, the video shows Holder emerge from his car and walk towards the Rayburn House Office Building for hearings on the IRS scandal. Holder is clearly asked, "Mr. Holder, will you appoint a Special Counsel to investigate Benghazi?"
In equally clear tones, Holder answers, "No," and disappears into the building.
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My Comment: The White House wants this issue dead and buried and is confident that the release of some Benghazi emails will put it to rest .... at least in the main stream media. But as Stephen F. Hayes reveals in his analysis here .... more questions are being raised than answered. So what`s next? Since Attorney General Eric Holder has flatly rejected the idea of appointing a special counsel to investigate Benghazi, the Congress will probably now move to hold additional hearings, and they themselves will appoint a Special Committee to investigate and report on Benghazi.