Why NSA Spying Scares The World -- Ronald Deibert, Special to CNN
(CNN) -- In 2011, I was on a panel, organized by the security company RSA, with two retired National Security Agency directors, Michael Hayden and Kenneth Minihan. During the course of our debate, I raised concerns, as the only non-American on the panel, that their plans and preferences for having the NSA secure cyberspace for the rest of us were not exactly reassuring. To this, Minihan replied that I should not describe myself as "Canadian" but rather "North American."
As jarring as his response was, the fact of the matter is when it comes to communications, he's right. Practically speaking, there is no border separating Canadian from U.S. telecommunications -- though that's not true the other way around. Primarily, this one-way dependence is a product of history and economics. Canadians' communications are inextricably connected to networks south of the border and subject to the laws and practices of the U.S. over which we, as foreigners, have no say or control.
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Iran emerging as victor in Syrian conflict -- Liz Sly, Washington Post
Whether Qusair Will Tip The Balance In Syria Remains to Be Seen -- Jean Aziz, Al-Monitor
Time for U.S. action in Syria -- Mike Rogers, USA Today
Another Iran Crisis Is Looming -- Yaakov Lappin, Real Clear World/Gatestone Institute
Past and future collide in Turkey clashes -- David Perry, Special to CNN
What Will Israel Do As America Retreats from the World? -- Isi Leibler. Jerusalem Post
Is West now looking past Darfur genocide to engage Sudan? -- Mike Pflanz, Christian Science Monitor
Turkey's Gamble: Crackdown Threatens EU Accession Talks -- Carsten Volkery and Severin Weiland, Speigel Online
Hong Kong, a Strange Place to Seek Freedom -- Law Yuk-Kai, New York Times
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Iran emerging as victor in Syrian conflict -- Liz Sly, Washington Post
Whether Qusair Will Tip The Balance In Syria Remains to Be Seen -- Jean Aziz, Al-Monitor
Time for U.S. action in Syria -- Mike Rogers, USA Today
Another Iran Crisis Is Looming -- Yaakov Lappin, Real Clear World/Gatestone Institute
Past and future collide in Turkey clashes -- David Perry, Special to CNN
What Will Israel Do As America Retreats from the World? -- Isi Leibler. Jerusalem Post
Is West now looking past Darfur genocide to engage Sudan? -- Mike Pflanz, Christian Science Monitor
Turkey's Gamble: Crackdown Threatens EU Accession Talks -- Carsten Volkery and Severin Weiland, Speigel Online
Hong Kong, a Strange Place to Seek Freedom -- Law Yuk-Kai, New York Times
Another Iran Crisis Is Looming -- Yaakov Lappin, Real Clear World/Gatestone Institute
Past and future collide in Turkey clashes -- David Perry, Special to CNN
What Will Israel Do As America Retreats from the World? -- Isi Leibler. Jerusalem Post
Is West now looking past Darfur genocide to engage Sudan? -- Mike Pflanz, Christian Science Monitor
Turkey's Gamble: Crackdown Threatens EU Accession Talks -- Carsten Volkery and Severin Weiland, Speigel Online
Hong Kong, a Strange Place to Seek Freedom -- Law Yuk-Kai, New York Times
Edward Snowden and the selective targeting of leaks -- Jack Shafer, Reuters
Why I Don't Care About Edward Snowden -- Ron Fournier, National Journal
The Obama Surveillance Revelations Are Pushing Liberals Over the Edge -- Molly Ball, The Atlantic
From G8 to G20 to G-Zero: Why no one wants to take charge in the new global order -- Ian Bremmer, New Statesman
Past and future collide in Turkey clashes -- David Perry, Special to CNN
What Will Israel Do As America Retreats from the World? -- Isi Leibler. Jerusalem Post
Is West now looking past Darfur genocide to engage Sudan? -- Mike Pflanz, Christian Science Monitor
Turkey's Gamble: Crackdown Threatens EU Accession Talks -- Carsten Volkery and Severin Weiland, Speigel Online
Hong Kong, a Strange Place to Seek Freedom -- Law Yuk-Kai, New York Times
Edward Snowden and the selective targeting of leaks -- Jack Shafer, Reuters
Why I Don't Care About Edward Snowden -- Ron Fournier, National Journal
The Obama Surveillance Revelations Are Pushing Liberals Over the Edge -- Molly Ball, The Atlantic
From G8 to G20 to G-Zero: Why no one wants to take charge in the new global order -- Ian Bremmer, New Statesman