Glenn Greenwald: 'Slavishly Partisan' Democrats In The Media Are Cheerleading Policies They Used To Hate -- Brett LoGiurato, Business Insider
New revelations about the National Security Agency's surveillance programs have divided members of Congress and of the media apart from the normal partisan split.
One person who isn't surprised about the lack of Democrats and liberals in the media challenging the Obama administration, however, is the man who has broken multiple stories based off leaks from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden — Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald.
Greenwald told Business Insider late Tuesday night that he thinks some left-leaning members of the media — such as Time magazine's Joe Klein and The New York
One person who isn't surprised about the lack of Democrats and liberals in the media challenging the Obama administration, however, is the man who has broken multiple stories based off leaks from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden — Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald.
Greenwald told Business Insider late Tuesday night that he thinks some left-leaning members of the media — such as Time magazine's Joe Klein and The New York
One person who isn't surprised about the lack of Democrats and liberals in the media challenging the Obama administration, however, is the man who has broken multiple stories based off leaks from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden — Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald.
Greenwald told Business Insider late Tuesday night that he thinks some left-leaning members of the media — such as Time magazine's Joe Klein and The New Yorker's Jeffrey Toobin — have shifted stances on surveillance and civil liberties for "principle-free, hackish, and opportunistic" reasons.
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My Comment: Not everyone in the main stream media are that "slavishly partisan" .... but he is right .... many in the media are pursuing and promoting their political beliefs/agenda than covering and researching the news.
Greenwald told Business Insider late Tuesday night that he thinks some left-leaning members of the media — such as Time magazine's Joe Klein and The New Yorker's Jeffrey Toobin — have shifted stances on surveillance and civil liberties for "principle-free, hackish, and opportunistic" reasons.
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My Comment: Not everyone in the main stream media are that "slavishly partisan" .... but he is right .... many in the media are pursuing and promoting their political beliefs/agenda than covering and researching the news.