Fine words coming from a Maryland sheriff, albeit one passing out pitchfork murderer-enabling gadgets.
I wonder if he understands what an unalienable right is, and more specifically, the meaning of "shall not be infringed"?
I wonder if he understands what an unalienable right is, and more specifically, the meaning of "shall not be infringed"?
Their website (sorry, they use frames so I can't drill you in to a specific page) offers us some clues.
Under "Community Services," we see a "Firearm Safety Certification Course," where we're informed:
So in order to exercise a Constitutional right, you need their prior "pemission". And, when in their presence, or apparently
Under "Community Services," we see a "Firearm Safety Certification Course," where we're informed:
Anyone who wants to purchase a handgun in Maryland must attend this course. The course consists of classroom instruction only. NO HANDGUNS ARE PEMITTED [sic].
So in order to exercise a Constitutional right, you need their prior "pemission". And, when in their presence, or apparently
Anyone who wants to purchase a handgun in Maryland must attend this course. The course consists of classroom instruction only. NO HANDGUNS ARE PEMITTED [sic].
So in order to exercise a Constitutional right, you need their prior "pemission". And, when in their presence, or apparently wherever else they deem not "pemitted", you may not exercise your Constitutional right.
I'm glad we cleared that up.
Tags: gun lock, gun control