An embarrassing hole in security surrounding former U.S. President Bill Clinton turned up when one of his chauffeurs was found to be a wanted man.
Shahzad Qureshi, 42, was in one of three cars awaiting Clinton at Newark Airport last week when a Port Authority policeman happened to check license plate numbers.I guess if my travel detail
Shahzad Qureshi, 42, was in one of three cars awaiting Clinton at Newark Airport last week when a Port Authority policeman happened to check license plate numbers.I guess if my travel detail as a retiree included three limos and God knows what size taxpayer-funded armed retinue, I wouldn't worry much about the average person's security, either.
I wonder if Clinton's fellow gungrabber and illegal immigration activist Antonio Villaraigoso will come to Mr. Qureshi's defense, or if he only speaks out on behalf of certain demographics?
I wonder if Clinton's fellow gungrabber and illegal immigration activist Antonio Villaraigoso will come to Mr. Qureshi's defense, or if he only speaks out on behalf of certain demographics?