By DAVID KURNIAWAN Saturday, March 31, 2007 I Think, Therefore I Am? It looks like Fits has evidently mistaken me for someone with a brain. He ought to talk to my cubs, who are certain they know better than ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 8:14 AM We're the Only Ones Pleading Enough A former Milwaukee police officer already convicted of calling in a bomb threat to his former district station pleads guilty to federal gun ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:40 AM If I Was Saxon NWOBHM legends Saxon have been busy boys...they are releasing new single "If I Was You" from their latest album "The Inner S...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:26 AM State Security (Scroll down to last story) The House Executive Committee debated a series of gun control bills last week. A gentleman asked to testify abou...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:17 AM This Day in History: March 31 The Boston Port Act is an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain (citation 14 Geo. III. c. 19) which became law on March 31, 1774, is one of...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Friday, March 30, 2007 We're the Only Ones Not Reckless Enough The judge overseeing the case, Gustin L. Reichbach, displays portraits of the civil rights figures Paul Robeson and Nelson Mandela on his ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:01 AM Red's Trading Post Videos They've posted two new video ads defending themselves against BATFU harassment. Ryan Horsley's got guts and he's articulate. ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:00 AM We're the Only Ones Gaming Enough Police who have raided vice-ridden Mexico City neighborhoods in a push against drug violence hope to take guns off the streets by offering t...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:52 AM We're the Only Ones Tipped Enough The program, a partnership between Crime Stoppers and law enforcement agencies, will offer a $500 reward when an anonymous tip leads to the ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:38 AM Destroy All Monsters! If Godzilla were a sportsman, the .50-caliber sniper rifle would be his instrument. This is a weapon that can shoot down airplanes or helic...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:17 AM This Day in History: March 30 Hoping to keep the New England colonies dependent on the British, King George III formally endorses the New England Restraining Act on this...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Thursday, March 29, 2007 Mexico AG: US Must Do More to Stop Guns [I]t's one of the demands we have put on the table. Come and take them .
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:26 AM If Ye Love Wealth... Republican ex-mayor of New York City Rudolph Giuliani won backing for his 2008 presidential bid from billionaire publisher Steve Forbes , w...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:34 AM An Idea Worth Exploring The local market should bury the paper by boycotting any advertiser. E David Quammen articulates an idea I agree with, although I would sug...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:30 AM Wayne Fincher Update: March 29 From Wayne Fincher's daughter: Dad saw the Probation Officer today. Don't know the results yet. The probation officer said that dad...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:22 AM Spanking Darren What a self serving, smug little essay. Too bad your arguments are both disingenuous and puerile. First you start off with the tired old, ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:12 AM We're the Only Ones Leaving "Some Type of Evidence" Enough According to sources, the officer recently made a traffic stop and asked a male occupant to get out of the vehicle. Police sources tell NBC ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:59 AM We're the Only Ones Kidding Around Enough "It was learned through our investigation that the young girl, when she was 14 years of age, and the officer was 36 years of age, was r...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:55 AM We're the Only Ones Who Can't Take "No" for an Answer Enough A former State College police officer was sentenced to serve two years probation Tuesday after pleading guilty to repeatedly vandalizing an ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:50 AM This Day in History: March 29 On this day in 1776, General George Washington appoints Major General Israel Putnam commander of the troops in New York. In his new capacity...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Wednesday, March 28, 2007 And the Christian Trejbal Award Goes To... ..."Criminal Justice" reporter Mike McWilliams , Publisher Mike Beck , and News Editor Teresa Thorpe of The Iowa City Press Citi...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:21 AM Sounding Off on Bill Brown My philosophy is to issue CCWs sparingly, according to our policy, if there is a valid reason. And you're the sole arbiter of what's...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:16 AM Ah, But There's the Rub "Who knows what the intention of the individual was?" Irvine said. Irvine said if Higgins had a concealed-weapons permit, he would...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:58 AM Teaching Credentials Mrs Mitchell travels the country educating people about the dangers of firearms and imitation weapons. Doesn't "educating people...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:47 AM Baby One More Time The undercover officer, a retired policeman, ran out of the Hollywood church, aimed his weapon and shouted: "Get out of your car, get d...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:40 AM Unauthorized Journalists Need Not Apply Parliament rejected his application for accreditation, saying he and other bloggers do not meet the legal definition of a journalist. And we...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:21 AM We're the Only Ones Who Give a Hoot and Don't Pollute Enough The acting police chief and three officers in a small resort town on Fire Island were indicted Tuesday in the beating of a vacationer who ha...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:17 AM This Day in History: March 28 Upset by the Boston Tea Party and other blatant acts of destruction of British property by American colonists, the British Parliament enacts...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Tuesday, March 27, 2007 We're the Only Ones Having a Night on the Town Enough Authorities are investigating claims that six off-duty Chicago police officers were captured on video assaulting four men in a bar, the seco...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:36 AM The Best Poll Ever I've been doing weekly polls for a few months now here at WarOnGuns , trying my best to come up with entries that are interesting, relev...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:16 AM We're the Only Ones Pointing Enough An Omaha police officer has been fired for allegedly waving a gun at a man and his pregnant wife in traffic... DeWitt denied involvement in ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:08 AM We're the Only Ones Clean Enough A retired Jersey City police officer apparently accidentally shot and killed himself yesterday morning while cleaning his gun at the city...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:04 AM A Change of Heart? There’s been a change of heart from Governor Bredesen about what is being called the Katrina Gun Bill. I'd be interested to see just w...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:02 AM The Right Place "A seaside town centre is not the place to put a gun shop. Many believe this is entirely the wrong place to sell guns. This is not the ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:52 AM We're the Only Ones Behind the Bench Enough A Circuit Court judge pulled a handgun in his courtroom after a man jumped a railing and punched a handcuffed defendant accused of molesting...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:31 AM Oops, I Did it Again... Britney Spears' weekend trip to church sparked controversy yesterday when a security guard pulled a gun on a photographer... The papara...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:16 AM A Tangled Webb Here are Google News links about the aide to Sen. Jim Webb who was arrested for carrying a loaded handgun into a Senate office building. So...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:11 AM This Day in History: March 27 Future President Thomas Jefferson is elected to the second Continental Congress on this day in 1775. Jefferson, a Virginia delegate, quickl...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Monday, March 26, 2007 Lessons Learned Very early on, a rational discussion of this issue became all but impossible. Yeah, people tend to react that way when they're attacked ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:56 AM What Nichole Believes I don't believe that citizens need to carry handguns for any reason, nor should they be allowed to. So, Nichole, how many men like me ar...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:51 AM We're the Only Ones Implementing Enough THE National Police has arrested 1,258 persons and seized 1,269 firearms, hand grenades and other deadly weapons since it started implementi...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:35 AM The Best Interests of Everyone It is in the best interests of everyone that a firearm be safely stored, unloaded and locked up, especially when children live in or visit t...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:24 AM We're the Only Ones Sealed Enough Lawyers for the city, responding to a request to unseal records of police surveillance leading up to the 2004 Republican convention in New Y...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:17 AM This Day in History: March 26 The Provincial Congress of South Carolina approves a new constitution and government on this day in 1776. The legislature renames itself the...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Sunday, March 25, 2007 New WarOnGuns Poll: The Ratings Game Over the past months we've been discussing Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown , who is revoking previously-issued CCW permits desp...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:35 AM "A Longtime Gun-Rights Advocate" [T]hey have support from Councilman Robbie Waters , formerly a sheriff and city homicide detective. A longtime gun-rights advocate, Waters s...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:16 AM Cancer in the Cantons Pacifists and centre-left parties want voters to have the final say on breaking with a long-standing Swiss tradition of storing personal arm...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 4:57 AM Do as We Say, Not as We Do Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) personnel are processing thousands of firearms and more than a million rounds of a...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 4:49 AM I Actually Called in Sick to Finish it Unintended Consequences truly is required reading for gun owners, and for people who take their liberty and freedoms seriously. (I know I j...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 4:40 AM Rearming the Big Easy People across New Orleans are arming themselves — not only against the possibility of another storm bringing anarchy, but against the violen...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 4:38 AM This Day in History: March 25 On this day in 1774, British Parliament passes the Boston Port Act, closing the port of Boston and demanding that the city’s residents pay f...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Saturday, March 24, 2007 Wayne Fincher Update: A Plea for Help Wayne Fincher's daughter tells me he needs legal help. The court-appointed defense attorney advises him he is looking at prison time. ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 8:10 AM VA Bill Makes Illegal Gun Sales...uhh...Illegal The bill , sponsored by Del. Scott Lingamfelter , R-Prince William County, prohibits anyone but law enforcement officers from trying to make...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 8:05 AM We're the Only Ones Political Enough The Commission on Elections granted gun ban exemptions to at least 8,000 politicians, GMANews.TV learned on Saturday from Commissioner Nicod...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:56 AM Arms are for Shackles This is no backwoods survivalist talking, just an African American who grew up in the South at a time when the people in uniform were often ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:39 AM Curses! Foiled Again! In a sleazy political stroke, Republicans played the gun lobby's card... Only a cowardly, anonymous traitor, that is, a Herald Tribune ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:23 AM The Sound and the Fury The Sound: The Fury: Per Larry Rankin : This newspaper reporter was against citizens' having guns rights. I know because I asked him if...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:10 AM This Day in History: March 24 On this day in 1765, Parliament passes the Quartering Act, outlining the locations and conditions in which British soldiers are to find room...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Friday, March 23, 2007 We're the Only Ones "Not Obliged" Enough Your request for information has now been considered and I am not obliged to supply the information you have requested. Cryptic Subterranean...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:18 AM We're the Only Ones Never Disciplined Enough He told the Chicago Tribune that his client had completed a substance abuse treatment program and had never been disciplined since joining t...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:52 AM We're the Only Ones Pushy Enough A police officer shoved a skateboarder into the bushes...and it was caught on tape. There's also a link to the video. Nice marks the kid...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:49 AM This Day in History: March 23 During a speech before the second Virginia Convention, Patrick Henry responds to the increasingly oppressive British rule over the American...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Thursday, March 22, 2007 A Matter of Time Gun purchases would be limited to one per month and anyone selling a gun would have to get a background check on the prospective buyer under...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:36 AM Common Tyranny Standing next to a combat rifle that is 5 feet long, weighs 35 pounds and can blow holes through armor a mile-and-a-half away, Gurnee Police...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:23 AM More Gun Shops Cave In to Bloomberg "It was going to cost $50,000 in attorney's fees," said Rick Morketter , manager of Dick's Pawn, of North Myrtle Beach. ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:08 AM The "Only Ones" Fever It looks like Cryptic Subterranean's caught it. Good. We need an incontrovertible body of evidence to throw the argument that "p...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:53 AM We're the Only Ones Two-Fisted Drinking Enough This wasn't any barfight caught on tape. An angry man pummels a much smaller female bartender. As it turns out, he's a Chicago polic...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:42 AM Pokey Get Your Gun (Scroll down for story) When my daughter is 10 and 11, and especially in the teenage years, I want to be there with a gun. Gee, Pokey Poke ,...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:38 AM This Day in History: March 22 Hoping to raise sufficient funds to defend the vast new American territories won from the French in the Seven Years’ War, the British govern...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Wednesday, March 21, 2007 Up to the Challenge I defy anyone to “read” into the Amendment that a citizen has the right to carry arms, except to show up as a member of a “well regulated mi...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:23 AM We're the Only Ones Gone Wild Enough A nude appearance in an "Girls Gone Wild"-style adult video sold on the Internet has cost a veteran police officer her job — again...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:22 AM New York Times Logic But many of the officers who help keep New York’s streets safe are in fact volunteers — unarmed, unpaid and, we learned this week, in some c...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:19 AM Me, a Pessimist? I've seen a few posts around where people think I'm overly pessimistic in my assessment of the cops and guns poll . Sorry, fellas, b...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:12 AM Pokey Poke Does Front Sight You have to endure a stupid commercial first, but here's a video where Pokey Poke says he got sniper training for his new movie Shooter...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:11 AM Duncan Hunter on 2A "The right to keep and bear arms is an absolute right of Americans to protect their families and their communities and their nation wit...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:10 AM This Day in History: March 21 On March 21, 1778, just three days after British Loyalists and Hessian mercenary forces assault the local New Jersey militia at Quinton’s Br...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Tuesday, March 20, 2007 33⅓ About one-third of the people living in the national's [sic] capital are functionally illiterate... Along with AP " authorized jour...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 7:16 AM We're the Only Ones Groping and Biting Enough AN UNDERCOVER officer who bragged about being “like 007” grabbed a barmaid’s boobs at a strip club. Boozed-up agent Dominic Headley , 32, al...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:45 AM We're the Only Ones Dee-de-Deee Enough During an I.Q. test commissioned by the defense, he scored 77 — a mark that ranks in the bottom sixth percentile. The average score is 100. ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:21 AM Police Magazine Poll on Gun Ownership This partial page is from the March 2007 issue of Police Magazine (posted under the "Fair Use" doctrine because I could find no on...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:03 AM What Limits on "the Militia" (That Would Be You and Me)? Self-defense is a self-evident human right. Thankfully, a court finally has reaffirmed that the Constitution and common sense are in alignme...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:55 AM When Wayne Isn't There It's a simple fact that the police can't be everywhere at all times, and in some small towns that may mean they're not even at t...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:52 AM This Day in History: March 20 Benjamin Franklin , Silas Deane and Arthur Lee present themselves to France’s King Louis XVI as official representatives of the United Sta...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Monday, March 19, 2007 Carnival X Over at Stan's . I had to find out from SayUncle .
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:32 AM An Obvious Solution Two weeks ago, residents received a [letter? notice?] from their homeowners' association indicating that guns are not allowed on the pro...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:20 AM Here's Looking at YOU, Kids New research suggests playing action video games that involve firing guns such as "Gears of War," Lost Planet," and "Hal...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 6:14 AM Sick People "These are sick people," he said in January when questioned about the giveaway at the Mayors Against Illegal Guns summit in the Di...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:45 AM BATFU: Puerto Rico Going to the Dogs Because of US Freedom Authorities complain that airline regulations make it tougher to transport a dog to Puerto Rico than a suitcase full of guns and ammunition....
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:44 AM Alistair's Glass House The black kids got on the bus and the driver shut the door. Riley ran across the front of our car and tried to get onto the bus. You could h...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 5:41 AM This Day in History: March 19 On this day in 1734, Patriot politician Thomas McKean is born to Scots-Irish Presbyterian parents in Chester County, Pennsylvania. He will ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN Sunday, March 18, 2007 New WarOnGuns Poll: Have You Bought a Copy of "In Search of the Second Amendment"? Take the new poll in the left margin. This week I'm trying to gauge the effectiveness of my efforts here at WarOnGuns to persuade you ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 9:35 AM Where Credit is Due See, this is where so-called “conservative” news outlets are either ignorant of the particulars or flat out BS’ing us—either one being inexc...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 9:30 AM A Cryptic Subterranean "Only Ones" Twofer From Jay.Mac : These just keep coming- I see what you mean about not deliberately looking for them too. Remember the police officer in the U...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 9:14 AM Red's Under Fire Red's Trading Post is currently under fire from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). On March 5th our license ...
By DAVID KURNIAWAN 9:06 AM We're the Only Ones Getting Our Butts Kicked Enough John Coffin won't spend any more time in jail for beating up two sheriff's deputies inside his house, striking one in the head with...