An anonymous commenter to a previous post says, among other sound observations (follow the title link and read his entire statement):
to this:
Why the AK, which is "illegal" in California? Remember--these are the folks who--at an NRA Grassroots-sponsored registration facilitation event--told us we have no individual right to keep and bear arms. Why shouldn't we construe this as an "in your face"?
I noticed the CA DOJ Firearms Division has a new logo. You can see it on their website in the top right corner. It is rather interesting in that it has an image of a firearm that we cannot even buy here in this state. Not sure what to make of this.He's right. They've gone from this:
to this:
Why the AK, which is "illegal" in California? Remember--these are the folks who--at an NRA Grassroots-sponsored registration facilitation event--told us we have no individual right to keep and bear arms. Why shouldn't we construe this as an "in your face"?