Four people were shot to death in Chicago in less than four hours in an unusually violent start to the weekend -- and at least 15 more were wounded.
The warm weather Friday evening and Saturday morning may have contributed to the violence, authorities said...
So I don't get it--what's to blame: guns or global warming? Perhaps we need to mandate lower carbon-emitting firearms...?
Y'know, I read once that rapes increase during spikes in ice cream sales...
Always glad to see the ubiquitous reference to the "AK-47 assault-style weapon." No "Authorized Journalist" hysterics would be complete without it.
That Boss Daley gun control sure is working out for them, isn't it? And I'd say it's time for Snuffy Pfleger to mount another crusade against the people who didn't do it, wouldn't you?
One thing does confuse me, though: I thought a spate was three...
UPDATE: It looks even worse. Fine weather for a blood dance we're havin'...