During the week of April 21-25, 2008, some IUPUI students will be participating in the Second National Empty Holster protest here on campus.Right. Self-insemination/abortion for show-and-tell is bold artistic expression, but see an empty holster and let the PSH begin. And I suppose none of these precious young innocents have ever seen a slasher movie or a violence-simulating video game? And they somehow don't break down into quivering, gelatinous blobs when an "Only One" with a real gun in a holster saunters by?
These students are members of the Students for Concealed Carry on Campus (SCCC) and will attend classes wearing EMPTY holsters.
We are posting this information to increase awareness of this event due to our concern about the potential negative impact seeing individuals on campus with holsters may have on some individuals.
If you, or someone you know, has been a victim or witness of violent crime or been engaged in combat, it is possible that seeing holsters might trigger a memory or post-traumatic reaction.
The only thing empty around the CAPS department would appear to be the heads of the panic-inducing loons running it.
This isn't science and it isn't medicine. At best, it's witch doctoring, but in reality, it's more likely agenda-driven manipulation and a stunt for attention and relevance.
Anyone that crippled and weak has bigger problems than seeing a holster, and is far too unhinged to not be in custodial care. And if you think about it, that's just the way the nanny-statists want you to be.
What a pathetic indictment on their self-loathing, and loathing of anyone not so deficient. That such as these don't trust their fellows to bear the responsibilities of free men is not only inevitable, why would any sane, whole person want the approval of such twitching, paranoid wretches?
The lunatics are, indeed, running the asylum. Just ask them: capsindy@iupui.edu
[Via John R]