The Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee on Wednesday approved in second and third readings a broad version of the "Shai Dromi Bill," which absolves from criminal responsibility anyone who kills or injures an intruder in his home, business or farm.Cycjec writes:
[A]nd we'll fight them with slingshots...because we don't have anything else, as Winston Churchill didn't remark after the beach speech. Israel does not have a real 2nd Amendment, one needs a permit even for privately owned weapons (Haven't located a recent English language cite for this online.)
Earlier reports in e.g. the Jerusalem Post noted "police opposition. Israel has *never* had police departments as once understood(delegation without surrender of one's right of self defense,maintained and supported at the local level. Think back to the ancient "Support Your Local Police" campaigns, if you can remember that. I did see one such placard in NYC as late as the 1980s)
It has a unitary force commanded by IIRC the national government,and as such is susceptible to that government's p
Earlier reports in e.g. the Jerusalem Post noted "police opposition. Israel has *never* had police departments as once understood(delegation without surrender of one's right of self defense,maintained and supported at the local level. Think back to the ancient "Support Your Local Police" campaigns, if you can remember that. I did see one such placard in NYC as late as the 1980s)
It has a unitary force commanded by IIRC the national government,and as such is susceptible to that government's politics and policies. It needs only to be said that recent "actions" at e.g. Amona by the "Yassamniks" as they are now popularly called was just like current "LEO" actions at NOLA (if not somewhat worse)Microbalrog gives us further analysis of what this does and doesn't mean.
It has a unitary force commanded by IIRC the national government,and as such is susceptible to that government's politics and policies. It needs only to be said that recent "actions" at e.g. Amona by the "Yassamniks" as they are now popularly called was just like current "LEO" actions at NOLA (if not somewhat worse)Microbalrog gives us further analysis of what this does and doesn't mean.