No Attack In The US Since 9-11? -- Counter Terrorism Blog
This is the fourth article in the series by Madeleine Gruen and Frank Hyland on the threat of terrorism in the United States. In this article we lay out the history of plots and attacks that have taken place in the US since 9-11 in order to respond to the widespread misconception that there have been no terrorist attacks on US soil since that date.
Readers have heard the question “why have there been no terrorist attacks in the US since 9-11-2001” bandied between counter-terrorism professionals on countless occasions. These debates are premised on the false presumption that there have not been any attacks. In fact, there have been a number of attacks and there have been additional plots that did not come to fruition, due to excellent counter-terrorism efforts in some cases and due to the sheer incompetence of the conspirators in other cases. The latter condition does not disparage an incredibly hard-working, bright and dedicated CT Community. However, just as British authorities have learned in the years since 9/11, effort and competence levels evolve and it is important to recognize the patterns before conditions ripen to a point where actors are able to carry out a plot successfully, as was the case on July 7
Readers have heard the question “why have there been no terrorist attacks in the US since 9-11-2001” bandied between counter-terrorism professionals on countless occasions. These debates are premised on the false presumption that there have not been any attacks. In fact, there have been a number of attacks and there have been additional plots that did not come to fruition, due to excellent counter-terrorism efforts in some cases and due to the sheer incompetence of the conspirators in other cases. The latter condition does not disparage an incredibly hard-working, bright and dedicated CT Community. However, just as British authorities have learned in the years since 9/11, effort and competence levels evolve and it is important to recognize the patterns before conditions ripen to a point where actors are able to carry out a plot successfully, as was the case on July 7, 2005.
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My Comment: Your cold shower for the morning. A list compiled by the Counter Terrorism Blog of a number of individual and small group attacks that have occurred in the past 7 years. We are not as safe as we would like to think.
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My Comment: Your cold shower for the morning. A list compiled by the Counter Terrorism Blog of a number of individual and small group attacks that have occurred in the past 7 years. We are not as safe as we would like to think.