The undernamed Prisoners, try'd by a General Court Martial for "Mutiny, Riot and Disobedience of orders," are severally guilty of the Crimes, wherewith they are accused, and the Court upon due Consideration of the Evidence, do adjudge that the prisoner Joseph Scales receive thirty-nine Lashes upon his bare back and be drum'd out of the Army, and that the prisoners, John each of them receive Twenty Lashes upon his bare back and be drum'd out of the army -- The Prisoners Lawrence Blake, Samuel Bodin, John fin'd Twenty Shillings lawful money each.
Joseph Foster, Joseph Laurence and Joseph Tessenden, being recommended by the Court Martial, as proper objects of mercy, The Commander in Chief is pleased to remit their fine, and to order the sentence upon all the others, to be put in Execution at Guard mounting, to morrow morning -- Those upon Prospect-hill to receive their punishment there; the rest at the main Guard.
Monday, September 22, 2008