Pakistan Regains Control of Remote Area, for Now -- The New York Times
INAYAT KALAY, Pakistan — After a six-month campaign, the Pakistani military is claiming victory over the Taliban in Bajaur, a northern sliver of the tribal areas, saying the militants have suffered heavy losses and have been pushed over the border into Afghanistan.
As evidence, the military this month showed off the once-busy, mile-long marketplace here, captured from the militants and pulverized to bits of concrete and mounds of dust. A tank was still parked in the remains of a shop.
“The resistance has been broken down. We control the roads,” said Maj. Gen. Tariq Khan, the inspector general of the Frontier Corps, the paramilitary force responsible for security in the tribal regions. “They have lost.”
Already, Pakistani officials are hailing Bajaur as a landmark turn in the battle against Islamic militants and are trying to persuade the 300,000 people displaced by the fighting here to return, aided by a $19 million program financed by the United States.
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Obama Says US is Losing War in Afghanistan -- The Times
Obama Hints at Talks with Taliban -- Agence France-Presse
Taliban: no peace talks unless withdrawal of all foreign troops -- China View
Obama considers reaching out to moderates in Taliban: report -- CBC
Afghanistan seeks Iran help in stability efforts -- Yahoo News/AFP
US vice president to discuss Afghanistan with NATO allies -- AFP
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Afghanistan: Friendly fire incident kills two -- CNN
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Karzai signals he is not ready to step down when term ends in May -- Globe And Mail
Karzai Decries Violence Against Women -- Associated Press
Obama Hints at Talks with Taliban -- Agence France-Presse
Taliban: no peace talks unless withdrawal of all foreign troops -- China View
Obama considers reaching out to moderates in Taliban: report -- CBC
Afghanistan seeks Iran help in stability efforts -- Yahoo News/AFP
US vice president to discuss Afghanistan with NATO allies -- AFP
Bomb kills 1 Canadian soldier in Afghanistan -- Yahoo News/AP
Coalition deaths from IED attacks soar in Afghanistan -- USA Today
Afghan army kills eight militants: commander -- Yahoo News/AFP
Afghanistan: Friendly fire incident kills two -- CNN
Afghan, Coalition Forces Kill 16 Enemy Fighters -- AFPS
Karzai signals he is not ready to step down when term ends in May -- Globe And Mail
Karzai Decries Violence Against Women -- Associated Press
Obama bid to turn to moderate Taliban 'will fail' -- The Guardian opinion
Comparing conflicts in Afghanistan and Vietnam -- China Post
Talking to the Taleban -- The Times editorial
Fear and loathing in Pakistan -- L.A. Times opinion
How useful is Pakistan's Swat model? -- Daily Star opinion
Taliban: no peace talks unless withdrawal of all foreign troops -- China View
Obama considers reaching out to moderates in Taliban: report -- CBC
Afghanistan seeks Iran help in stability efforts -- Yahoo News/AFP
US vice president to discuss Afghanistan with NATO allies -- AFP
Bomb kills 1 Canadian soldier in Afghanistan -- Yahoo News/AP
Coalition deaths from IED attacks soar in Afghanistan -- USA Today
Afghan army kills eight militants: commander -- Yahoo News/AFP
Afghanistan: Friendly fire incident kills two -- CNN
Afghan, Coalition Forces Kill 16 Enemy Fighters -- AFPS
Karzai signals he is not ready to step down when term ends in May -- Globe And Mail
Karzai Decries Violence Against Women -- Associated Press
Obama bid to turn to moderate Taliban 'will fail' -- The Guardian opinion
Comparing conflicts in Afghanistan and Vietnam -- China Post
Talking to the Taleban -- The Times editorial
Fear and loathing in Pakistan -- L.A. Times opinion
How useful is Pakistan's Swat model? -- Daily Star opinion