From DoD BUzz:
With Pakistan and Afghanistan slowly disintegrating under pressure from the Taliban and Al Qaeda, the time seems ripe to explore some of the things that are being done right in Iraq that may serve to help bolster those failing regimes. I spoke Friday morning with Air Force Maj. Joseph Musacchia, chief of security forces and an advisor to the Iraqi Ministry of Interior, who offered several example of how the Iraqi Ministry of Interior is improving its performance.
David Kilcullen, one of Gen. Petraeus’ key counterinsurgency advisors, and others have been saying for weeks that the slow-motion collapse of Pakistan poses the greatest risk to American interests. And these experts have identified improving the status and reach of the Pakistani police as key to improving the nuclear power’s chances of survival as a democratic state run by one authority.
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My Comment: A must read piece that compares Iraq to what is happening now in Afghanistan. Bottom line .... it is going to take a long time (if possible) for these countries to establish any semi-decent law/police force.