From West Hawk:
That is the headline from an Associated Press article from yesterday. The Syrian nuclear plant in question is of course the Al Kabir gas graphite reactor that the Israeli air force destroyed in September 2007. Such reactors are designed to produce weapons-grade plutonium from natural uranium. Here are some excerpts from the piece:
Ali Reza Asghari, a retired general in Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards and a former deputy defense minister, "changed sides" in February 2007 and provided considerable information to the West on Iran's own nuclear program, said the article, written by Hans Ruehle, former chief of the planning staff of the German Defense Ministry.
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My Comment: On the same day that President Obama offers to have talks with Iran .... this news comes out. Whether it was deliberate or not, it clearly sheds light on Iran's nuclear ambitions. Now that Iran's Leader has dismissed President Obama's offer of talks, the question now is ..... what will the U.S. Government do?