Get Ready for Inflation and Higher Interest Rates -- Arthur Laffer
Rahm Emanuel was only giving voice to widespread political wisdom when he said that a crisis should never be "wasted." Crises enable vastly accelerated political agendas and initiatives scarcely conceivable under calmer circumstances. So it goes now.
Here we stand more than a year into a grave economic crisis with a projected budget deficit of 13% of GDP. That's more than twice the size of the next largest deficit since World War II. And this projected deficit is the culmination of a year when the federal government, at taxpayers' expense, acquired enormous stakes in the banking, auto, mortgage, health-care and insurance industries.
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North Korea Deserves the Diplomacy of Silence -- Edward Luttwak, Wall Street Journal
Another NY Terror Bull's-Eye -- New York Post editorial
No Divine Victory for Hezbollah -- Michael J. Totten, Commentary Magazine
Chavez's War On Free Trade In Peru -- IBDeditorial
Russia Praying for High Oil Prices -- Aleh Tsyvinski, Moscow Times
Life Inside the Downing Street Bunker -- George Bridges, Daily Telegraph
Rise and Fall of Gordon Brown's Empire -- Quentin Letts, Forbes
Why Angela Merkel Will Win in September -- David Crossland, Der Spiegel
Isolating Islamists: Lebanon Votes For Freedom -- Amir Taheri, New York Post
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North Korea Deserves the Diplomacy of Silence -- Edward Luttwak, Wall Street Journal
Another NY Terror Bull's-Eye -- New York Post editorial
No Divine Victory for Hezbollah -- Michael J. Totten, Commentary Magazine
Chavez's War On Free Trade In Peru -- IBDeditorial
Russia Praying for High Oil Prices -- Aleh Tsyvinski, Moscow Times
Life Inside the Downing Street Bunker -- George Bridges, Daily Telegraph
Rise and Fall of Gordon Brown's Empire -- Quentin Letts, Forbes
Why Angela Merkel Will Win in September -- David Crossland, Der Spiegel
Isolating Islamists: Lebanon Votes For Freedom -- Amir Taheri, New York Post
Chavez's War On Free Trade In Peru -- IBDeditorial
Russia Praying for High Oil Prices -- Aleh Tsyvinski, Moscow Times
Life Inside the Downing Street Bunker -- George Bridges, Daily Telegraph
Rise and Fall of Gordon Brown's Empire -- Quentin Letts, Forbes
Why Angela Merkel Will Win in September -- David Crossland, Der Spiegel
Isolating Islamists: Lebanon Votes For Freedom -- Amir Taheri, New York Post
Wave of Optimism Sweeping Iran -- Hooman Majd, Los Angeles Times
Iran's Voting Manipulation Industry -- Mehdi Khalaji, Washington Institute
Iran's Election a Soft Power Boon -- Kaveh Afrasiabi, Asia Times
A Silent Revolution in Iran -- Meir Javedanfar, RealClearWorld
What Will Iran's Election Bring? -- Cameron Abadi, Foreign Policy
Obama Should Put Iran in Axis of Respect -- Jonathan Steele, The Guardian
Russia Praying for High Oil Prices -- Aleh Tsyvinski, Moscow Times
Life Inside the Downing Street Bunker -- George Bridges, Daily Telegraph
Rise and Fall of Gordon Brown's Empire -- Quentin Letts, Forbes
Why Angela Merkel Will Win in September -- David Crossland, Der Spiegel
Isolating Islamists: Lebanon Votes For Freedom -- Amir Taheri, New York Post
Wave of Optimism Sweeping Iran -- Hooman Majd, Los Angeles Times
Iran's Voting Manipulation Industry -- Mehdi Khalaji, Washington Institute
Iran's Election a Soft Power Boon -- Kaveh Afrasiabi, Asia Times
A Silent Revolution in Iran -- Meir Javedanfar, RealClearWorld
What Will Iran's Election Bring? -- Cameron Abadi, Foreign Policy
Obama Should Put Iran in Axis of Respect -- Jonathan Steele, The Guardian