Perhaps you’ve seen those television commercials denouncing health care reform as a plot to create a Canadian-style totalitarian nightmare, and you feel a wee bit scared.
Back in the election campaign, some people spread rumors that Barack Obama might be a secret Muslim conspiring to impose Sharia law on us. That seems unlikely now, but what if he’s a covert Canadian plotting to impose ... health care?
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WNU Editor: I live in Quebec, Canada. I have a medicare card that provides me "free" medical service at any medical clinic/hospital in Canada. I contracted a severe case of Lyme disease a few years ago .... and I could not get treated here. I had to go to the U.S. for my treatment. It cost quite a bit, but I was at least cured. From the outside Canada's medicare system looks like a utopia .... the reality is very very different .... take it from one who knows.
Time to Put Europe on Hold -- Samuel Brittan, Financial Times
Is the Muslim World Moderating? -- H.D.S. Greenway, Global Post
Meet the New Kim, Same As the Old Kim -- Jennifer Lind, Foreign Policy
Endgame in Korea? -- Stuart Koehl, Weekly Standard
Stop Mirandizing terrorists -- Washington Times editorial
The New Nuclear Powers -- Ted Galen Carpente
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WNU Editor: I live in Quebec, Canada. I have a medicare card that provides me "free" medical service at any medical clinic/hospital in Canada. I contracted a severe case of Lyme disease a few years ago .... and I could not get treated here. I had to go to the U.S. for my treatment. It cost quite a bit, but I was at least cured. From the outside Canada's medicare system looks like a utopia .... the reality is very very different .... take it from one who knows.
Time to Put Europe on Hold -- Samuel Brittan, Financial Times
Is the Muslim World Moderating? -- H.D.S. Greenway, Global Post
Meet the New Kim, Same As the Old Kim -- Jennifer Lind, Foreign Policy
Endgame in Korea? -- Stuart Koehl, Weekly Standard
Stop Mirandizing terrorists -- Washington Times editorial
The New Nuclear Powers -- Ted Galen Carpente
Time to Put Europe on Hold -- Samuel Brittan, Financial Times
Is the Muslim World Moderating? -- H.D.S. Greenway, Global Post
Meet the New Kim, Same As the Old Kim -- Jennifer Lind, Foreign Policy
Endgame in Korea? -- Stuart Koehl, Weekly Standard
Stop Mirandizing terrorists -- Washington Times editorial
The New Nuclear Powers -- Ted Galen Carpenter, Cato Institute
The Lessons of Lebanon's Elections -- Rami Khouri, Jordan Times
Lebanon's Triumph, Iran's Travesty -- Elliott Abrams, New York Times
China's De-Socialized Medicine -- Veronica Valdez, Foreign Policy
China's Computer Folly -- New York Times editorial
Kyrgyzstan Says 'Nyet' to Obama -- Wall Street Journal editorial