Israeli-Palestinian Talks: How To Keep Saboteurs At Bay -- Christian Science Monitor editorial
Even before the Israeli-Palestinian talks began Sept. 2, an attack by Hamas and a death call by a prominent Jewish rabbi have signaled that extremists want to derail the negotiations. Benjamin Natanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas need to rally the center.
In coming weeks, if all goes well, the spotlight in the Middle East will be on direct talks that started Thursday between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA). The two sides promise to meet every two weeks.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Israeli-Palestinian Peace: Lowering the Bar on 'Progress' -- Tony Karon, Time Magazine
'Jerusalem cannot be the capital of state called Israel' -- Jerusalem Post editorial
Israel and Palestine: A true one-state solution -- George Bisharat, Washington Post
This Week at War: The Iraq Gamble: Can Obama turn the page on the war he never wanted? -- Robert Haddick, Foreign Policy
Our distracted commander in chief -- Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post
The Disintegration of Pakistan -- Cyril Almeida, DAWN
India And China Keep Their Eyes on Each Other -- Deccan Chronicle
Drugs and violence: Mexico's addiction -- BBC
Burma in the dock: U.S. support for U.N. war-crimes inquiry is in order -- Nehginpao Kipgen, The Washington Times
Sarkozy is right about the Roma -- Mary Dejevsky, The Independent