Will US Naval Power Sink? -- Jim Bencivenga, Christian Science Monitor
A strong Navy is key to America's diplomatic standing and containing an aggressive China. Yet soaring debt threatens US naval prominence. That's why maritime defense is the sleeper issue of these midterm elections.
For most Americans, naval power is like gravity. They know it's there, they know it's forceful, but they don't really feel it or understand it. So they won't be thinking about the state of US fleet readiness when they vote in midterm elections.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
The Pakistan Paradox: Unless we're prepared to deal with it as an enemy, we must make do with it as a friend. -- Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal
Karzai's acknowledgement of bags of Iranian cash: Why now? -- Ben Arnoldy, Christian Science Monitor
No easy road to peace for Afghanistan -- Olivia ward, Toronto Star
Be Careful What You Wish for, Mr. Karzai -- Michael Crowley, Time Magazine
Negotiations with Taliban dismay troops -- Sara A. Carter, Washington Examiner
Would a Beaten Obama Attack Iran? -- George Friedman, Real Clear World/Stratfor
Tariq Aziz is a man who knows too much -- Mark Seddon, The Guardian
Does America have a corruption problem? -- Blake Hounshell, Foreign Policy
Wikileaks's Leaks Mostly Confirm Earlier Reporting - Washington Post editorial
Declare War on Wikileaks - Washington Times editorial
WikiLeaks’ Selective Morality -- Victor Davis Hanson, National Review