WikiLeaks Ready To Drop A Bombshell On Russia. But Will Russians Get To Read About It? -- Christian Science Monitor
Wikileaks is about to release documents on Russia, but the tightly-controlled Russian media is unlikely to report them the way Western media attacked the documents about Afghanistan and Iraq
The Kremlin had better brace itself for a coming wave of WikiLeaks disclosures about Russia, the website's founder, Julian Assange, told a leading Moscow newspaper Tuesday.
"We have [compromising materials] about Russia, about your government and businessmen," Mr. Assange told the pro-government daily Izvestia. "But not as much as we'd like... We will publish these materials soon."
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My Comment: Russians will get to read what Wikileaks decides to publish .... but their reactions will probably be muted. Most Russians already have a "dark view" towards their government, and any "bombshells" from Wikileaks will only affirm this perception.