From Voice of America:
United Nations nuclear inspectors are to release their latest report on Iran's nuclear program this week, as Western diplomats build a case for stronger sanctions against Tehran.
The International Atomic Energy Agency is expected to publish its report on Thursday or Friday.
Diplomatic sources in Vienna say Western countries are pushing the IAEA to release even more intelligence reports that they believe will show Iran's intention to build a nuclear weapon.
Read more ....
More News On Iran's Nuclear Program
Policy On Tehran Faces New Test -- Wall Street Journal
Atomic Agency Is Pressed on Iran Records -- New York Times
Western Nations Push IAEA to Disclose Iran Records -- Global Security Newswire
IAEA to report Iran atom slowdown ahead of talks -- Reuters
My Comment: This IAEA report should have been released a long time ago. Why the IAEA has kept it under wraps for so long .... your guess is as good as mine.