Running Out Of Time In Afghanistan -- Simon Tisdall, The Guardian
As rows over troops deepen, General McChrystal's advice to Obama aims to avoid more mistakes and inspire decisive action
In his blunt and now not so confidential advice to Barack Obama, General Stanley McChrystal has undertaken probably the most dangerous mission of his daredevil career: speaking truth to power. All recent signs from the White House suggest the US president doesn't want to hear what his Afghanistan commander insists on telling him. Obama's choice, according to McChrystal, a former special forces commander, boils down to this: Escalate or evacuate, get on or get out; there is no middle way that does not invite calamity on a grand scale.
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Collection Of Opinions And Commentaries On General McChrystal's Afghan Assessment Report -- Small Wars Journal
Obama's Confusion over Afghanistan - Daily Telegraph editorial
Afghanistan's Flawed Democracy - Japan Times editorial
The Perils of Losing Mitteleuropa -- A. Wess Mitchell, Real Clear World
Now, ‘Reset’ With the Poles and Czechs -- Mark Brzezinski, New York Times
Calling Russia's Bluff on Missile Defense --- Alexander Golts, Moscow Times
Correct and Difficult Missile Shield Move - Joshua Tucker, Truman Project
Israel and the Trouble With International Law -- Paul H. Robinson, Wall Street Journal opinion.
Israel Must Face Up to Gaza Casualties -- Cesar Chelala, Japan Times
Subverting Honduran Democracy -- Washington Times
Moving Forward in Honduras -- Roberto Micheletti, Washington Post
Russia's Elecetion In 2012 -- Charles Clover and Stefan Wagstyl, Financial Times