SWAT VALLEY, Pakistan -- A visit to this battlefield of Pakistan's war against the Taliban left one indelible image -- of a teenage boy's beaming smile of relief -- that conveys what a successful counterinsurgency campaign is all about.
Let me explain: When Pakistani troops regained control of Swat in a violent campaign this summer, they found scores of traumatized teenagers who had been forced to work as boy soldiers. About a month ago, the army opened a rehabilitation clinic for them. It is called "Sabaoon," which is the Pashtun word for the first ray of light of the morning.
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My Comment: I do not share David Ignatius's sense of optimism. This is not the first battle/war in Swat .... battles have happened before and the Pakistani Army was successful, only to have the Taliban back a few years later.
The Taliban may have been defeated in Swat .... but I also believe that the Taliban have simply fled to the neighboring provinces when the full brunt of the Pakistani Army entered into the region this summer. Once the Pakistani Army leaves, the Taliban will be back like they have been back before. The Pakistani Army has been talking of invading Taliban sanctuaries in the frontier regions .... to be truly successful in this civil war the Pakistani Army must initiate this course of action to the point when all Taliban sanctuaries have been destroyed .... but will they do this .... hmmmm .... this is the question that only time will answer.
In conclusion, the lessons learned from this battle are obvious. If you confront the enemy you must do so in force. Territory that has been captured must be held with sufficient numbers to deter any infiltration of Taliban units. You must be rough and brutal against your enemy .... if civilians are assisting the Taliban, they are legitimate targets. If civilians assist you, they are to be protected. And the last one .... destroy all enemy sanctuaries. These are lessons that our commanders in Afghanistan know must also be applied in their war zone .... but unfortunately for us, we have an alliance that is looking for alternative strategies and ideas.