General Stanley McChrystal -- Runner-Up Time Person Of The Year 2009
In 1982 a freshly minted army captain named Stanley McChrystal arrived at Fort Stewart, Ga., and was invited for a run by a more experienced captain named David Petraeus. There are two versions of what happened next. The Petraeus version is better known. "I took a lot of pride in my running," the general told me recently. In fact, Petraeus famously was, and remains, a fitness fanatic. "But by the end of the run, I knew I was no longer the fastest at Fort Stewart. More important, we had talked about a lot of things, and I realized that I had met a kindred spirit."
The McChrystal version is less competitive. "It was an 8- to 10-mile run, and we did spend most of it talking," the general told me recently. "He was quite a runner, and when you can keep up with Petraeus, that's something to be proud of. But I don't remember anyone winning. We ran together. I mostly remember being grateful that Dave — he was the general's aide at the time — reached out to me."
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My Comment: A nice puff piece on the General.