The Irresistible Rise Of The Aid Industry -- Times Online
Millions will give money to victims of the Haiti earthquake. But will their cash get to the right place?
You don’t have to wait for the charity single any more. In the next few days millions will whip out their credit cards and donate to the aid effort for victims of the Haiti earthquake. If the response to the 2004 tsunami is anything to go by, aid agencies will quickly have as much as they can possibly spend.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
What Haiti needs now: a personal visit from Obama -- Jonathan Zimmerman, Christian Science Monitor
The Underlying Tragedy -- David Brooks, New York Times
Averting Chaos in Haiti -- Washington Post editorial
Help Haitians Help Haiti -- New York Times editorial
Helping Haiti Help Itself -- Los Angeles Times editorial
No Exit: America has an impressive record of starting wars but a dismal one of ending them well. -- Andrew J. Bacevich, American Conservative
For Pakistan, No Turning Back from Reform -- Asif Ali Zardari, Washington Post
Jordan in the Crosshairs -- Salameh Nematt, Daily Beast
Disillusionment in Ukraine: The Sad End of the Orange Revolution -- Christian Neef and Matthias Schepp
Google In China's Century: Why is Beijing forcing out the Internet giant? -- Gordon Chang, Forbes