Thursday, January 28, 2010 Political Moron of the Week Indeed. [Read] I know some advise us to be polite when we write to legislators. I'd say all things considered, I showed admirable restraint. Related Posts :The Rise And Fall Of Saif al-Islam GaddafiThe Euro Is Unravelling With Severe Repercussions For Everyone (This Includes You)The USS Enterprise Turns 50Is Obama's "Reset" Policy With Russia Over?F-35 Program Continues Among Criticism, US Budget CrunchAn Energy Drink For Marines On The BattlefieldsU.S. - Pakistan Ties Are At the Breaking PointGermany Has Had Enough Of This Euro MessBringing Back The Cold WarHitting Mexico's Drug lords Where It HurtsOldest Evidence Of Violence Between Humans Unearthed In ChinaThe Human Cost Of Mexico's Drug Cartel War Is Exacting A Horrific TollUS Troops In Iraq Fear Final Spectacular AttackPakistan Gives The CIA 15 Days To Vacate Drone BaseNew U.S. Air Force Ad: It's Not Science Fiction (Video)Dressing "Pretty" In The British MilitaryU.S. Withdrawal From Iraq (Cartoon pics)Lockheed Martin F22 Raptor and F35 Lightning II (Video)Picture Of The DayIs Britian's MoD Ignoring Parliament Grab The Post URL URL: HTML link code: <a href="">bloggernizer: Political Moron of the Week "clickable"</a> BB (forum) link code: [url=]bloggernizer: Political Moron of the Week "clickable"[/url]