As Obama Hails Arms Pact, Applause in Kremlin Is Faint -- New York Times
MOSCOW — On a Friday that began in Washington with a triumphant presidential news conference about the conclusion of arms talks with Russia, Moscow seemed to have its mind on other things.
President Dmitri A. Medvedev was in Sochi, scolding Olympic trainers over their athletes’ dismal showing in Vancouver. Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin gave a speech on the dangers posed by spring flooding. The highest-ranking Russian official to address reporters about the treaty was Foreign Minister Sergey V. Lavrov, who hastily gathered the press at dinnertime in a tiny ministry conference room.
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More News On This Week's U.S. - Russian Nuclear Arms Agreement
U.S., Russia agree to nuclear arms control treaty -- Washington Post
U.S., Russia to slash nuclear weapons -- Washington Times
Obama, Medvedev Set April Signing for New Strategic Arms Pact -- Voice of America
Russia, U.S. to sign arms control pact on Apr.8 in Prague -- RIA Novosti
Twists and Turns on Way to Arms Pact With Russia -- New York Times
Obama and Medvedev seal the deal on nuclear arms by phone -- Times Online
Nuke Treaty Talks Almost Fell Apart Last Month; After Russians Kept Insisting on Linking Missile Defense, Obama Told Medvedev He’d Walk -- ABC News
Missile Defense Controversy Remains After START Accord -- Voice of America
Russia hails nuclear pact, but warns on US missile defence -- Space Daily
Backgrounder: Treaties on strategic arms reduction between U.S., Russia -- Xinhuanet
Nuclear weapons-free world: a vision of Kennedy, Reagan, Obama -- Christian Science Monitor
A worthy U.S.-Russia arms control treaty -- Washington Post editorial
Is the new START really a new beginning? -- The Guardian
Analysis: New nuclear arms treaty is `new start' -- AP