Dangerous Trajectories: Obama's Approach to Arms Control Misreads Russian Nuclear Strategy -- Heritage Foundation
Abstract: Russia still considers the United States its "principal adversary." Moscow relies on its nuclear weapons to compensate for its inferiority in conventional power relative to the U.S., NATO, and China. Russian political and military leaders are still captives of czarist and Soviet geopolitical thinking and military traditions. U.S. policymakers need to understand this background and Russia's Soviet-style negotiating tactics when negotiating realistic and verifiable arms control agreements with Russia. The Obama Administration's wishful thinking and unilateral concessions will not produce a better nuclear treaty.
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My Comment: This Heritage Foundation report is a contrarian view point on what is the conventional accepted view of Russian security/defense priorities and strategies.
If you want to read an opposite view of what the White House and mass media are reporting, then this Heritage analysis is a must read.